Building instructions


VS Code extension development requires Node.js. Our development workflow has been tested with 1.63, but newer versions should work. Older versions may break.

You can install a recent copy of Node by any of the following

  • Downloading Node from its website and placing it on your PATH
  • Downloading Node via nvm
  • Downloading Node from CIPD and placing it on your PATH

Read about extensions, concepts and guides: Extension Anatomy.


To run the extension:

  • Open this directory in VS Code
  • Open the terminal window and run npm install @vscode/vsce
  • Click “Run”. This will open another instance with the extension installed.


To test the extension:

  • Run npm test

Packaging the extension

  • cd to vscode-plugins (This directory).
  • git clean -xdf [^3] (WARNING: this will delete everything not tracked by git)
  • npm ci [^1]
  • npm test
  • npx vsce package --baseContentUrl [^2]

[^1]: npm ci is like npm install, except that it re-downloads a clean copy of the node_modules directory using package-lock.json and errors out if package-lock.json ii out of sync with package.json

[^2]: npx runs commands from npm packages without having to globally install them

[^3]: this cleans out any files that are not tracked by git, to ensure we have a clean build, in case we missed anything in our .vscodeignore