Update NotoNaskhArabic for Kashimir digits

The previous fix (3beadb5d2b83) was incomplete. It copied
LangSys entry for 'URD ' in GSUB  to 'KSH ', but the entries were not
sorted leading 'KSH ' not to picked up by HarfBuzz.

This CL sorts LangSys entries in GSUB. It also fixes the hinted version
of Noto Sans Naskh Arabic (UI) fonts.

Tested at http://jungshik.github.io/noto/arabic/digits.html .
Extended Arabic digits 4,6 and 7 in Kashimir should match those in
Urdu and be different from those in Arabic/Persian.

Extended Arabic digits  6 and 7 in Sindhi should match those in
Urdu and be different from those in Arabic/Persian.

Fixes #975
8 files changed
tree: 9d5bcfb9ec82b0993e42ad87cb0c068f0ff42c03
  1. alpha/
  2. hinted/
  3. images/
  4. unhinted/
  5. FAQ.md
  6. issue_template.md
  8. NEWS.md
  9. README.md


Noto fonts

Noto’s goal is to provide a beautiful reading experience for all languages. It is a free, professionally-designed, open-source collection of fonts with a harmonious look and feel in multiple weights and styles. All Noto fonts are published under the SIL Open Font License (OFL) v1.1, which allows you to copy, modify, and redistribute them if you need to.

To easily preview and download Noto fonts, visit http://www.google.com/get/noto. For background, technical details, and how to contribute, see the FAQ.

Have fun with Noto! — Google Internationalization Team