[roll] Roll fuchsia [components][sandbox] Replace Connector protocol with a token

Right now, there are there types associated with [Connector]:

- ConnectorCapability: the token
- Connector: the client end, obtained from [ConnectorCapability], served
  by component_manager
- Receiver: the server end, served by the provider component.

To obtain a channel from a Connector, you have to do the following:

- Factory/OpenConnector(ConnectorCapability) -> Connector
- Connector/Open -> zx.CHANNEL

We can reduce this to one step and eliminate the Connector protocol:

- Factory/OpenConnector(ConnectorCapability) -> zx.CHANNEL

Finally, since there is no more Connector protocol, we can rename
ConnectorCapability -> Connector.

Original-Fixed: 339513422
Original-Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/fuchsia/+/1046552
Original-Revision: ead15d28495d937894d733088fd781fd1e4e2c22
GitOrigin-RevId: 40fa792ce82d84e3472b2ed9b7db3e515913c5ab
Change-Id: I0fa03c861a29b1d6735328390f459c170820be3f
1 file changed
tree: 1388c9ee5b940dc03e8d422561f08d872a174e58
  1. ctf/
  2. git-hooks/
  3. infra/
  4. third_party/
  5. cts
  6. firmware
  7. flower
  8. jiri.lock
  10. minimal
  11. prebuilts
  12. README.md
  13. stem
  14. test_durations
  15. toolchain


This repository contains Fuchsia's Global Integration manifest files.

Making changes

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Currently all changes must be made by a Google employee. Non-Google employees wishing to make a change can ask for assistance via the IRC channel #fuchsia on Freenode.

Obtaining the source

First install Jiri.

Next run:

$ jiri init
$ jiri import minimal https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/integration
$ jiri update

Third party

Third party projects should have their own subdirectory in ./third_party.