[black] Stop using PyOxidizer

Distributing Black with PyOxidizer is great when it works well, but has
a number of issues:
- It's difficult to build a distributable version of the tool that works
  on any version of Linux (requires running on a bot with an old version
  of glibc).
- Black uses multiprocessing to parallelize formatting of multiple
  files, and PyOxidizer doesn't support multiprocessing very well,
  especially on Mac and Linux
- Requires installing the Rust toolchain locally in order to build

After spending several hours today trying to get it working in order to
publish the latest version of Black, I gave up and created a sort of
ad-hoc packaging scheme where we bundle a pip-installed Black along with
a prebuilt Python. So it's not a single executable file, but it's at
least self-contained.

It would *probably* be fine to not even bundle a python prebuilt and use
system python instead, which would also slim down the package size.
However, probably best not to assume that the user has a compatible
version of Python locally.

Test (a run of the tricium-recipes builder using the updated version):

Bug: 74877
Change-Id: I0819fce71a1602b0bbc7a7c6dcbad317dd45f308
8 files changed
tree: 59dc08b22521a1496008c50874e3cce603abc234
  1. .gitignore
  2. black-template
  3. cipd.yaml
  7. publish.sh
  8. README.md

Black package

This contains configuration useful in updating the black package in CIPD.

Build and upload a new version

On both a Mac machine and a Linux machine, checkout this repository and update the pinned version of Black in publish.sh. Then run ./publish.sh, which will download and package all of Black's dependencies (including a prebuilt Python interpreter) and publish the results to CIPD.