blob: a260003246a9937aa1849d5136d95728e464aace [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "test-registry.h"
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zxtest/base/reporter.h>
#include <zxtest/base/runner.h>
#include <zxtest/base/test-driver.h>
#include <zxtest/base/test.h>
namespace zxtest {
using internal::TestDriver;
using internal::TestDriverImpl;
namespace test {
namespace {
constexpr char kTestName[] = "TestName";
constexpr char kTestName2[] = "TestName2";
constexpr char kTestCaseName[] = "TestCase";
constexpr char kTestCaseName2[] = "TestCase2";
constexpr char kFileName[] = "filename.cpp";
constexpr int kLineNumber = 20;
// Test fixture that runs a given closure.
class FakeTest : public zxtest::Test {
static fbl::Function<std::unique_ptr<Test>(TestDriver*)> MakeFactory(int* counter) {
return [counter](TestDriver* driver) {
std::unique_ptr<FakeTest> test = zxtest::Test::Create<FakeTest>(driver);
test->counter_ = counter;
return test;
void TestBody() final { ++*counter_; }
int* counter_;
class FailingTest : public zxtest::Test {
static fbl::Function<std::unique_ptr<Test>(TestDriver*)> MakeFactory(Runner* runner) {
return [runner](TestDriver* driver) {
std::unique_ptr<FailingTest> test = zxtest::Test::Create<FailingTest>(driver);
test->runner_ = runner;
return test;
void TestBody() {
Assertion assertion("eq", "a", "1", "b", "2",
{.filename = __FILE__, .line_number = __LINE__},
Runner* runner_;
} // namespace
void RunnerRegisterTest() {
Runner runner(Reporter(/*stream*/ nullptr));
TestRef ref =
runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(kTestCaseName, kTestName, kFileName, kLineNumber);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(ref.test_case_index == 0, "TestRef::test_case_index is wrong.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(ref.test_index == 0, "TestRef::test_index is wrong.\n");
const TestInfo& info = runner.GetTestInfo(ref);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG( == kTestName, "Test Registered with wrong name.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(info.location().filename == kFileName,
"Test registered at wrong file location.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(info.location().line_number == kLineNumber,
"Test registered at wrong line number in correct file location.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().registered_test_count == 1,
"Test failed to register correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().registered_test_case_count == 1,
"TestCase failed to register correctly.\n");
void RunnerRegisterTestWithCustomFactory() {
Runner runner(Reporter(/*stream*/ nullptr));
int test_counter = 0;
TestRef ref = runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(
kTestCaseName, kTestName, kFileName, kLineNumber, FakeTest::MakeFactory(&test_counter));
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(ref.test_case_index == 0, "TestRef::test_case_index is wrong.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(ref.test_index == 0, "TestRef::test_index is wrong.\n");
const TestInfo& info = runner.GetTestInfo(ref);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG( == kTestName, "Test Registered with wrong name.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(info.location().filename == kFileName,
"Test registered at wrong file location.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(info.location().line_number == kLineNumber,
"Test registered at wrong line number in correct file location.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().registered_test_count == 1,
"Test failed to register correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().registered_test_case_count == 1,
"TestCase failed to register correctly.\n");
void RunnerRunAllTests() {
Runner runner(Reporter(/*stream*/ nullptr));
int test_counter = 0;
int test_2_counter = 0;
TestRef ref = runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(
kTestCaseName, kTestName, kFileName, kLineNumber, FakeTest::MakeFactory(&test_counter));
TestRef ref2 = runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(
"TestCase2", kTestName, kFileName, kLineNumber, FakeTest::MakeFactory(&test_2_counter));
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(ref.test_case_index != ref2.test_case_index,
"Different TestCase share same index.\n");
// Verify that the runner actually claims to hold two tests from one test case.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().registered_test_count == 2,
"Test failed to register correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().registered_test_case_count == 2,
"TestCase failed to register correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.Run(Runner::kDefaultOptions) == 0, "Test Execution Failed.\n");
// Check that the active count reflects a filter matching all.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().active_test_count == 2, "Failed to register both tests.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().active_test_case_count == 2, "Failed to register both tests.\n");
// Check that both tests were executed once.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(test_counter == 1, "test was not executed.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(test_2_counter == 1, "test_2 was not executed.\n");
void RunnerRunOnlyFilteredTests() {
Runner runner(Reporter(/*stream*/ nullptr));
int test_counter = 0;
int test_2_counter = 0;
Runner::Options options = Runner::kDefaultOptions;
options.filter = "TestCase.*";
TestRef ref = runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(
kTestCaseName, kTestName, kFileName, kLineNumber, FakeTest::MakeFactory(&test_counter));
TestRef ref2 = runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(
"TestCase2", kTestName, kFileName, kLineNumber, FakeTest::MakeFactory(&test_2_counter));
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(ref.test_case_index != ref2.test_case_index,
"Different TestCase share same index.\n");
// Verify that the runner actually claims to hold two tests from one test case.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().registered_test_count == 2,
"Test failed to register correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().registered_test_case_count == 2,
"TestCase failed to register correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.Run(options) == 0, "Test Execution Failed.\n");
// Check that the active count reflects a filter matching all.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().active_test_count == 1, "Failed to filter tests.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().active_test_case_count == 1, "Failed to filter tests.\n");
// Check that both tests were executed once.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(test_counter == 1, "test was filtered.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(test_2_counter == 0, "test_2 was not filtered.\n");
void RunnerRunAllTestsSameTestCase() {
Runner runner(Reporter(/*stream*/ nullptr));
int test_counter = 0;
int test_2_counter = 0;
TestRef ref = runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(
kTestCaseName, kTestName, kFileName, kLineNumber, FakeTest::MakeFactory(&test_counter));
TestRef ref2 = runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(
kTestCaseName, kTestName2, kFileName, kLineNumber, FakeTest::MakeFactory(&test_2_counter));
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(ref.test_case_index == ref2.test_case_index, "Same TestCase share same index.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(ref.test_index != ref2.test_index, "Different TestInfo share same index.\n");
// Verify that the runner actually claims to hold two tests from one test case.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().registered_test_count == 2,
"Test failed to register correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().registered_test_case_count == 1,
"TestCase failed to register correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.Run(Runner::kDefaultOptions) == 0, "Test Execution Failed.\n");
// Check that the active count reflects a filter matching all.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().active_test_count == 2, "Failed to register both tests.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.summary().active_test_case_count == 1, "Failed to register both tests.\n");
// Check that both tests were executed once.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(test_counter == 1, "test was not executed.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(test_2_counter == 1, "test_2 was not executed.\n");
void RunnerRunReturnsNonZeroOnTestFailure() {
Runner runner(Reporter(/*stream*/ nullptr));
runner.RegisterTest<Test, FailingTest>(kTestCaseName, kTestName, kFileName, kLineNumber,
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(runner.Run(Runner::kDefaultOptions) != 0,
"Runner::Run must return non zero when at least one test fails.\n");
void RunnerListTests() {
// Should produce the following output.
constexpr char kExpectedOutput[] =
"TestCase\n .TestName\n .TestName2\nTestCase2\n .TestName\n .TestName2\n";
char buffer[100];
memset(buffer, '\0', 100);
FILE* memfile = fmemopen(buffer, 1024, "a");
Runner runner((Reporter(/*stream*/ memfile)));
// Register 2 testcases and 2 tests.
runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(kTestCaseName, kTestName, kFileName, kLineNumber);
runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(kTestCaseName, kTestName2, kFileName, kLineNumber);
runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(kTestCaseName2, kTestName, kFileName, kLineNumber);
runner.RegisterTest<Test, FakeTest>(kTestCaseName2, kTestName2, kFileName, kLineNumber);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(strcmp(kExpectedOutput, buffer) == 0, "List output mismatch.");
void TestDriverImplReset() {
TestDriverImpl driver;
Assertion assertion("desc", "A", "A", "B", "B",
{.filename = kFileName, .line_number = kLineNumber},
/*is_fatal*/ true);
"TestDriverImpl::Continue should return false after a fatal failure.\n");
"TestDriverImpl::HadAnyFailures should return true after a fatal failure.\n");
"TestDriverImpl::Continue should return true after TestDriverImpl::Reset.\n");
"TestDriverImpl::HadAnyFailures should not be affected by TestDriverImpl::Reset.\n");
void TestDriverImplFatalFailureEndsTest() {
TestDriverImpl driver;
Assertion assertion("desc", "A", "A", "B", "B",
{.filename = kFileName, .line_number = kLineNumber},
/*is_fatal*/ true);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(driver.Continue(), "TestDriverImpl::Continue should return true by default.\n");
"TestDriverImpl::HadAnyFailures should return false by default.\n");
"TestDriverImpl::Continue should return false after a fatal failure.\n");
"TestDriverImpl::HadAnyFailures should return true after a fatal failure.\n");
void TestDriverImplNonFatalFailureDoesNotEndTest() {
TestDriverImpl driver;
Assertion assertion("desc", "A", "A", "B", "B",
{.filename = kFileName, .line_number = kLineNumber},
/*is_fatal*/ false);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(driver.Continue(), "TestDriverImpl::Continue should return true by default.\n");
"TestDriverImpl::HadAnyFailures should return false by default.\n");
"TestDriverImpl::Continue should return false after a fatal failure.\n");
"TestDriverImpl::HadAnyFailures should return true after a fatal failure.\n");
void TestDriverImplResetOnTestCompletion() {
class FakeTest : public zxtest::Test {
void TestBody() final {}
TestInfo test_info(kTestName, {.filename = kFileName, .line_number = kLineNumber},
TestCase test_case(kTestCaseName, Test::SetUpTestCase, Test::TearDownTestCase);
struct CompleteFn {
const char* name;
void (TestDriverImpl::*complete)(const TestCase&, const TestInfo&);
// Helper macro to generate appropiate error for each function.
#define CFN(fn) \
{ .name = #fn, .complete = &fn, }
static constexpr CompleteFn complete_fns[] = {CFN(TestDriverImpl::OnTestSuccess),
#undef CFN
for (auto complete_fn : complete_fns) {
TestDriverImpl driver;
Assertion assertion("desc", "A", "A", "B", "B",
{.filename = kFileName, .line_number = kLineNumber},
/*is_fatal*/ false);
(driver.*complete_fn.complete)(test_case, test_info);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(driver.Continue(), "%s should return true after test completion.\n",;
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(driver.HadAnyFailures(), "%s should not reset on test completion.\n",;
void RunnerOptionsParseFromCmdLineShort() {
const char* kArgs[12] = {};
kArgs[0] = "mybin";
kArgs[1] = "-f";
kArgs[2] = "+*:-ZxTest";
kArgs[3] = "-i";
kArgs[4] = "100";
kArgs[5] = "-s";
kArgs[6] = "-r";
kArgs[7] = "10";
kArgs[8] = "-l";
kArgs[9] = "false";
kArgs[10] = "-h";
kArgs[11] = "true";
fbl::Vector<fbl::String> errors;
Runner::Options options =
Runner::Options::FromArgs(countof(kArgs), const_cast<char**>(kArgs), &errors);
// Just in case it returns errors, this will give insight into where the problem is.
for (const auto& error : errors) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s", error.c_str());
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(errors.is_empty(), "Runner::Options::FromArgs returned errors.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(strcmp(options.filter.c_str(), kArgs[2]) == 0,
"Runner::Options::filter not parsed correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(options.repeat == 100, "Runner::Options::repeat not parsed correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(options.seed == 10, "Runner::Options::seed not parsed correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(options.shuffle, "Runner::Options::shuffle not parsed correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(options.list, "Runner::Options::list not parsed correctly.\n");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!, "Runner::Options::help not parsed correctly.\n");
void RunnerOptionsParseFromCmdLineLong() {
const char* kArgs[12] = {};
kArgs[0] = "mybin";
kArgs[1] = "--gtest_filter";
kArgs[2] = "+*:-ZxTest";
kArgs[3] = "--gtest_repeat";
kArgs[4] = "100";
kArgs[5] = "--gtest_shuffle";
kArgs[6] = "--gtest_random_seed";
kArgs[7] = "10";
kArgs[8] = "--gtest_list_tests";
kArgs[9] = "false";
kArgs[10] = "--help";
kArgs[11] = "true";
fbl::Vector<fbl::String> errors;
Runner::Options options =
Runner::Options::FromArgs(countof(kArgs), const_cast<char**>(kArgs), &errors);
// Just in case it returns errors, this will give insight into where the problem is.
for (const auto& error : errors) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s", error.c_str());
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(errors.is_empty(), "Runner::Options::FromArgs returned errors.\n.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(strcmp(options.filter.c_str(), kArgs[2]) == 0,
"Runner::Options::filter not parsed correctly\n.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(options.repeat == 100, "Runner::Options::repeat not parsed correctly\n.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(options.seed == 10, "Runner::Options::seed not parsed correctly\n.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(options.shuffle, "Runner::Options::shuffle not parsed correctly\n.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(options.list, "Runner::Options::list not parsed correctly\n.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!, "Runner::Options::help not parsed correctly\n.");
void RunnerOptionsParseFromCmdLineErrors() {
const char* kArgs[3] = {};
kArgs[0] = "mybin";
kArgs[1] = "--gtest_repeat";
kArgs[2] = "-1";
fbl::Vector<fbl::String> errors;
Runner::Options options =
Runner::Options::FromArgs(countof(kArgs), const_cast<char**>(kArgs), &errors);
// Just in case it returns errors, this will give insight into where the problem is.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!errors.is_empty(), "Runner::Options::FromArgs should return error.\n.");
void FilterOpFilterEmptyMatchesAll() {
constexpr char kPattern[] = "";
FilterOp filter;
filter.pattern = kPattern;
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName), "FilterOp failed to recognize a full match.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName2), "FilterOp failed to recognize a mismatch.");
void FilterOpFilterFullMatch() {
constexpr char kPattern[] = "TestCase.TestName";
FilterOp filter;
filter.pattern = kPattern;
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName), "FilterOp failed to recognize a full match.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName2), "FilterOp failed to recognize a mismatch.");
void FilterOpFilterFullNegativeMatch() {
constexpr char kPattern[] = "-TestCase.TestName";
FilterOp filter;
filter.pattern = kPattern;
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName),
"FilterOp failed to recognize a full negative match.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName2),
"FilterOp failed to recognize a negative mismatch.");
void FilterOpFilterPartialMatch() {
constexpr char kPattern[] = "TestCase.TestName*";
FilterOp filter;
filter.pattern = kPattern;
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName),
"FilterOp failed to recognize a partial match.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName2),
"FilterOp failed to recognize a partial match.");
void FilterOpFilterMultiMatch() {
constexpr char kPattern[] = "TestCase.TestName:TestCase.TestName2";
FilterOp filter;
filter.pattern = kPattern;
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName),
"FilterOp failed to recognize first of multiple patterns.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName2),
"FilterOp failed to recognize second of multiple patterns.");
void FilterOpFilterCombined() {
constexpr char kPattern[] = "TestCase.TestName:-TestCase.TestName2";
FilterOp filter;
filter.pattern = kPattern;
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName),
"FilterOp failed to recognize first of multiple patterns.");
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!filter(kTestCaseName, kTestName2),
"FilterOp failed to recognize second of multiple patterns.");
} // namespace test
} // namespace zxtest