blob: b1b5565d9694780fb5aca1c4d9476400cec4fdd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <getopt.h>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/string_printf.h>
#include <zxtest/base/runner.h>
namespace zxtest {
namespace {
using Options = Runner::Options;
bool GetBoolFlag(const char* arg) {
return arg == nullptr || strlen(arg) == 0 || strcmp("true", arg);
// getopt_long ignores -f value and --flag value opt args, and requires either = or -fvalue for
// optional arguments. This will return an opt arg if available.
char* GetOptArg(int opt, int argc, char** argv) {
// We might need to check we ar enot skipping any argument.
int index = opt;
if (index >= argc) {
return nullptr;
if (argv[index] == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if (argv[index][0] == '\0') {
return nullptr;
if (argv[index][0] == '-') {
return nullptr;
return argv[index];
} // namespace
void Options::Usage(char* bin, FILE* stream) {
fprintf(stream, "\nUsage:\n");
fprintf(stream, " %s [OPTIONS]\n", bin);
fprintf(stream, "\n");
fprintf(stream, " [OPTIONS]\n");
fprintf(stream, " --help[-h] Prints this message.\n");
fprintf(stream, " --gtest_filter[-f] PATTERN Runner will consider only registered\n");
fprintf(stream, " tests that match PATTERN.\n");
fprintf(stream, " --gtest_list_tests[-l] BOOL Runner will list all registed tests\n");
fprintf(stream, " that would be executed.\n");
fprintf(stream, " --gtest_shuffle[-s] BOOL Runner will shuffle test and test case\n");
fprintf(stream, " execution order.\n");
fprintf(stream, " --gtest_repeat[-i] REPEAT Runner will run REPEAT iterations of\n");
fprintf(stream, " each test case.\n");
" --gtest_random_seed[-r] SEED Runner will use SEED for random decisions.\n");
Options Options::FromArgs(int argc, char** argv, fbl::Vector<fbl::String>* errors) {
// Reset index of parsed arguments.
optind = 0;
static const struct option opts[] = {
{"help", optional_argument, nullptr, 'h'},
{"gtest_filter", optional_argument, nullptr, 'f'},
{"gtest_list_tests", optional_argument, nullptr, 'l'},
{"gtest_shuffle", optional_argument, nullptr, 's'},
{"gtest_repeat", required_argument, nullptr, 'i'},
{"gtest_random_seed", required_argument, nullptr, 'r'},
{0, 0, 0, 0},
Runner::Options options;
auto reset = fbl::MakeAutoCall([]() { optind = 0; });
int c = -1;
int option_index = -1;
char* val = nullptr;
while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "f::l::s::i:r:h::", opts, &option_index)) >= 0) {
val = optarg;
if (val == nullptr) {
// Verifies that the flag value could be in the form -f value not just -fValue.
val = GetOptArg(optind, argc, argv);
if (val != nullptr) {
switch (c) {
case 'h': = GetBoolFlag(val);
return options;
case 'f':
// -f with no args resets the filter.
options.filter = (val == nullptr ? "" : val);
case 'l':
options.list = GetBoolFlag(val);
case 's':
options.shuffle = GetBoolFlag(val);
case 'i': {
int iters = atoi(val);
if (iters <= 0) { = true;
"--gtest_repeat(-i) must take a positive value. (value was %d)", iters));
return options;
options.repeat = iters;
case 'r':
options.seed = atoi(val);
return options;
} // namespace zxtest