blob: 4bc5dc6d4cedb4e172870df10028a75be6a24c21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fbl/string_printf.h>
#include <zxtest/base/types.h>
namespace zxtest {
// Helper class for handling the error information, plus some logic for printing the correct error
// messages.
class Assertion {
Assertion() = delete;
Assertion(const fbl::String& desc, const fbl::String& expected,
const fbl::String& expected_eval, const fbl::String& actual,
const fbl::String& actual_eval, const SourceLocation& location, bool is_fatal);
Assertion(const Assertion&) = delete;
Assertion& operator=(const Assertion&) = delete;
Assertion& operator=(Assertion&&) = delete;
// Returns the position at which the assertion happened.
const SourceLocation& location() const { return location_; }
// Returns a general description of the asserted condition.
const fbl::String& description() const { return description_; }
// Returns the expected value of an equality. For example in ASSERT_EQ(actual, expected) returns
// the text representation of expected, as it was captured on compile time.
const fbl::String& expected() const { return expected_; }
// Returns the expected value of an equality. For example in ASSERT_EQ(actual, expected) returns
// the text representation of actual, as it was captured on compile time.
const fbl::String& actual() const { return actual_; }
// Returns the expected value of an equality. For example in ASSERT_EQ(actual, expected) returns
// the text representation of expected as it is evaluated at runtime..
const fbl::String& expected_eval() const { return expected_eval_; };
// Returns the expected value of an equality. For example in ASSERT_EQ(actual, expected) returns
// the text representation of actual, as it was captured on runtime.
const fbl::String& actual_eval() const { return actual_eval_; }
// Returns true if this assertion is fatal, and test should stop execution. Essentially if the
// asserting macro is ASSERT_* or EXPECT_*.
bool is_fatal() const { return is_fatal_; }
// Text indicating the nature of the assertion. Whether it was expected to be equal, not equal,
// etc.
fbl::String description_;
fbl::String expected_;
fbl::String expected_eval_;
fbl::String actual_;
fbl::String actual_eval_;
SourceLocation location_;
bool is_fatal_;
// Helper functions used on assertion reporting contexts.
namespace internal {
// Returns a string with the Hex representation of the contents of the buffer pointed by
// ptr. If |ptr| is nullptr, returns "<nullptr>". If |size| is 0 returns <empty>.
fbl::String ToHex(void* ptr, size_t size);
} // namespace internal
// Specializations exist for primitive types, pointers and |fbl::String|.
template <typename T> fbl::String PrintValue(T value) {
// TODO(gevalentino): By default generate a hex represetation of the memory contents of value.
return internal::ToHex(&value, sizeof(value));
// Template Specialization for integers and char pointers.
template <> fbl::String PrintValue(int32_t value);
template <> fbl::String PrintValue(uint32_t value);
template <> fbl::String PrintValue(int64_t value);
template <> fbl::String PrintValue(uint64_t value);
template <> fbl::String PrintValue(const char* value);
template <> fbl::String PrintValue(const fbl::String& value);
// For pointers just print the address.
template <typename T> fbl::String PrintValue(T* value) {
return fbl::StringPrintf("%p", static_cast<const void*>(value));
// Overloads for string compare.
bool StrCmp(const char* actual, const char* expected);
bool StrCmp(const char* actual, const fbl::String& expected);
bool StrCmp(const fbl::String& actual, const char* expected);
bool StrCmp(const fbl::String& actual, const fbl::String& expected);
} // namespace zxtest