blob: e42359b582e054ce9aa50165cf949c322e4845f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains definitions common to userspace and DDK tracing.
#include <trace/event_args.h>
#include <trace/internal/event_internal.h>
// Returns true if tracing is enabled.
// Usage:
// if (TRACE_ENABLED()) {
// // do something possibly expensive only when tracing is enabled
// }
#ifndef NTRACE
#define TRACE_ENABLED() (trace_is_enabled())
#define TRACE_ENABLED() (false)
#endif // NTRACE
// Returns true if tracing of the specified category has been enabled (which
// implies that |TRACE_ENABLED()| is also true).
// |category_literal| must be a null-terminated static string constant.
// Usage:
// if (TRACE_CATEGORY_ENABLED("category")) {
// // do something possibly expensive only when tracing this category
// }
#ifndef NTRACE
#define TRACE_CATEGORY_ENABLED(category_literal) \
#define TRACE_CATEGORY_ENABLED(category_literal) ((void)(category_literal), false)
#endif // NTRACE
// Returns a new unique 64-bit unsigned integer (within this process).
// Each invocation returns a different non-zero value.
// Useful for generating identifiers for async and flow events.
// Usage:
// trace_async_id_t async_id = TRACE_NONCE();
// TRACE_ASYNC_BEGIN("category", "name", async_id);
// // a little while later...
// TRACE_ASYNC_END("category", "name", async_id);
#define TRACE_NONCE() (trace_generate_nonce())
// Writes an instant event representing a single moment in time (a probe).
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
// to annotate the moment with additional information.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// TRACE_INSTANT("category", "name", TRACE_SCOPE_PROCESS, "x", TA_INT32(42));
#define TRACE_INSTANT(category_literal, name_literal, scope, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_INSTANT((category_literal), (name_literal), (scope), args)
// Writes a counter event with the specified id.
// The arguments to this event are numeric samples are typically represented by
// the visualizer as a stacked area chart. The id serves to distinguish multiple
// instances of counters which share the same category and name within the
// same process.
// 1 to 15 numeric arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is
// interpreted as a distinct time series.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |counter_id| is the correlation id of the counter.
// Must be unique for a given process, category, and name combination.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// trace_counter_id_t counter_id = 555;
// TRACE_COUNTER("category", "name", counter_id, "x", TA_INT32(42), "y", TA_DOUBLE(2.0))
#define TRACE_COUNTER(category_literal, name_literal, counter_id, arg1, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_COUNTER((category_literal), (name_literal), (counter_id), arg1, ##args)
// Writes a duration event which ends when the current scope exits.
// Durations describe work which is happening synchronously on one thread.
// They can be nested to represent a control flow stack.
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
// to annotate the duration with additional information.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// void function(int arg) {
// TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_INT32(arg));
// // do something useful here
// }
#define TRACE_DURATION(category_literal, name_literal, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_DURATION((category_literal), (name_literal), args)
// Writes a duration begin event only.
// This event must be matched by a duration end event with the same category and name.
// Durations describe work which is happening synchronously on one thread.
// They can be nested to represent a control flow stack.
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
// to annotate the duration with additional information. The arguments provided
// to matching duration begin and duration end events are combined together in
// the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// TRACE_DURATION_BEGIN("category", "name", "x", TA_INT32(42));
#define TRACE_DURATION_BEGIN(category_literal, name_literal, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_DURATION_BEGIN((category_literal), (name_literal), args)
// Writes a duration end event only.
// Durations describe work which is happening synchronously on one thread.
// They can be nested to represent a control flow stack.
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
// to annotate the duration with additional information. The arguments provided
// to matching duration begin and duration end events are combined together in
// the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// TRACE_DURATION_END("category", "name", "x", TA_INT32(42));
#define TRACE_DURATION_END(category_literal, name_literal, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_DURATION_END((category_literal), (name_literal), args)
// Writes an asynchronous begin event with the specified id.
// This event may be followed by async instant events and must be matched by
// an async end event with the same category, name, and id.
// Asynchronous events describe work which is happening asynchronously and which
// may span multiple threads. Asynchronous events do not nest. The id serves
// to correlate the progress of distinct asynchronous operations which share
// the same category and name within the same process.
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
// to annotate the asynchronous operation with additional information. The
// arguments provided to matching async begin, async instant, and async end
// events are combined together in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |async_id| is the correlation id of the asynchronous operation.
// Must be unique for a given process, category, and name combination.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// trace_async_id_t async_id = 555;
// TRACE_ASYNC_BEGIN("category", "name", async_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
#define TRACE_ASYNC_BEGIN(category_literal, name_literal, async_id, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_ASYNC_BEGIN((category_literal), (name_literal), (async_id), args)
// Writes an asynchronous instant event with the specified id.
// Asynchronous events describe work which is happening asynchronously and which
// may span multiple threads. Asynchronous events do not nest. The id serves
// to correlate the progress of distinct asynchronous operations which share
// the same category and name within the same process.
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
// to annotate the asynchronous operation with additional information. The
// arguments provided to matching async begin, async instant, and async end
// events are combined together in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |async_id| is the correlation id of the asynchronous operation.
// Must be unique for a given process, category, and name combination.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// trace_async_id_t async_id = 555;
// TRACE_ASYNC_INSTANT("category", "name", async_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
#define TRACE_ASYNC_INSTANT(category_literal, name_literal, async_id, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_ASYNC_INSTANT((category_literal), (name_literal), (async_id), args)
// Writes an asynchronous end event with the specified id.
// Asynchronous events describe work which is happening asynchronously and which
// may span multiple threads. Asynchronous events do not nest. The id serves
// to correlate the progress of distinct asynchronous operations which share
// the same category and name within the same process.
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
// to annotate the asynchronous operation with additional information. The
// arguments provided to matching async begin, async instant, and async end
// events are combined together in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |async_id| is the correlation id of the asynchronous operation.
// Must be unique for a given process, category, and name combination.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// trace_async_id_t async_id = 555;
// TRACE_ASYNC_END("category", "name", async_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
#define TRACE_ASYNC_END(category_literal, name_literal, async_id, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_ASYNC_END((category_literal), (name_literal), (async_id), args)
// Writes a flow begin event with the specified id.
// This event may be followed by flow steps events and must be matched by
// a flow end event with the same category, name, and id.
// Flow events describe control flow handoffs between threads or across processes.
// They are typically represented as arrows in a visualizer. Flow arrows are
// from the end of the duration event which encloses the beginning of the flow
// to the beginning of the duration event which encloses the next step or the
// end of the flow. The id serves to correlate flows which share the same
// category and name across processes.
// This event must be enclosed in a duration event which represents where
// the flow handoff occurs.
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
// to annotate the flow with additional information. The arguments provided
// to matching flow begin, flow step, and flow end events are combined together
// in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |flow_id| is the correlation id of the flow.
// Must be unique for a given category and name combination.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// trace_flow_id_t flow_id = 555;
// TRACE_FLOW_BEGIN("category", "name", flow_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
#define TRACE_FLOW_BEGIN(category_literal, name_literal, flow_id, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_FLOW_BEGIN((category_literal), (name_literal), (flow_id), args)
// Writes a flow step event with the specified id.
// Flow events describe control flow handoffs between threads or across processes.
// They are typically represented as arrows in a visualizer. Flow arrows are
// from the end of the duration event which encloses the beginning of the flow
// to the beginning of the duration event which encloses the next step or the
// end of the flow. The id serves to correlate flows which share the same
// category and name across processes.
// This event must be enclosed in a duration event which represents where
// the flow handoff occurs.
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
// to annotate the flow with additional information. The arguments provided
// to matching flow begin, flow step, and flow end events are combined together
// in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |flow_id| is the correlation id of the flow.
// Must be unique for a given category and name combination.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// trace_flow_id_t flow_id = 555;
// TRACE_FLOW_STEP("category", "name", flow_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
#define TRACE_FLOW_STEP(category_literal, name_literal, flow_id, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_FLOW_STEP((category_literal), (name_literal), (flow_id), args)
// Writes a flow end event with the specified id.
// Flow events describe control flow handoffs between threads or across processes.
// They are typically represented as arrows in a visualizer. Flow arrows are
// from the end of the duration event which encloses the beginning of the flow
// to the beginning of the duration event which encloses the next step or the
// end of the flow. The id serves to correlate flows which share the same
// category and name across processes.
// This event must be enclosed in a duration event which represents where
// the flow handoff occurs.
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
// to annotate the flow with additional information. The arguments provided
// to matching flow begin, flow step, and flow end events are combined together
// in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
// |flow_id| is the correlation id of the flow.
// Must be unique for a given category and name combination.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// trace_flow_id_t id = 555;
// TRACE_FLOW_END("category", "name", flow_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
#define TRACE_FLOW_END(category_literal, name_literal, flow_id, args...) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_FLOW_END((category_literal), (name_literal), (flow_id), args)
// Writes a description of a kernel object indicated by |handle|,
// including its koid, name, and the supplied arguments.
// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the record, each of which is used
// to annotate the handle with additional information.
// |handle| is the handle of the object being described.
// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
// Usage:
// zx_handle_t handle = ...;
// TRACE_KERNEL_OBJECT(handle, "description", TA_STRING("some object"));
#define TRACE_KERNEL_OBJECT(handle, args...) \
// Writes a blob of binary data to the trace buffer.
// |type| is the type of the blob, and must be one of the enums in type
// |trace_blob_type_t|.
// |name_ref| is the name of the blob, and must be a string literal.
// |blob| is a pointer to the data.
// |blob_size| is the size, in bytes, of the data.
// A size of zero is ok. The maximum size of a blob is defined by
// TRACE_MAX_BLOB_SIZE which is slighly less than 32K.
// Exercise caution when emitting blob records: space is shared with all
// trace records and large blobs can eat up space fast.
// The blob must fit in the remaining space in the buffer. If the blob does
// not fit the call silently fails, as do all calls that write trace records
// when the buffer is full.
// Usage:
// size_t blob_size = ...;
// const void* blob = ...;
// TRACE_BLOB(TRACE_BLOB_TYPE_DATA, "my-blob", blob, blob_size);
#define TRACE_BLOB(type, name, blob, blob_size) \
TRACE_INTERNAL_BLOB((type), (name), (blob), (blob_size))