blob: 64e59f7c4a423717f361888e8c36a42d5b4a2eb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fs/block-txn.h>
#include <minfs/bcache.h>
#include <minfs/format.h>
namespace minfs {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
struct WriteRequest {
zx_handle_t vmo;
size_t vmo_offset;
size_t dev_offset;
size_t length;
// A transaction consisting of enqueued VMOs to be written
// out to disk at specified locations.
// TODO(smklein): Rename to LogWriteTxn, or something similar, to imply
// that this write transaction acts fundamentally different from the
// ulib/fs WriteTxn under the hood.
class WriteTxn {
explicit WriteTxn(Bcache* bc) : bc_(bc) {}
~WriteTxn() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(requests_.size() == 0, "WriteTxn still has pending requests");
// Identify that a block should be written to disk at a later point in time.
void Enqueue(zx_handle_t vmo, uint64_t vmo_offset, uint64_t dev_offset, uint64_t nblocks);
fbl::Vector<WriteRequest>& Requests() { return requests_; }
size_t BlkCount() const;
// Activate the transaction, writing it out to disk.
// Each transaction uses the |vmo| / |vmoid| pair supplied, since the
// transactions should be all reading from a single in-memory buffer.
zx_status_t Flush(zx_handle_t vmo, vmoid_t vmoid);
Bcache* bc_;
fbl::Vector<WriteRequest> requests_;
using WriteTxn = fs::WriteTxn;
} // namespace minfs