blob: 89f9389c5434b44c3519a0c1a8c917a99745c0ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <ddk/device.h>
#include <ddk/driver.h>
#include <ddk/protocol/intelhda/codec.h>
#include <lib/zx/handle.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <dispatcher-pool/dispatcher-execution-domain.h>
#include <intel-hda/utils/codec-commands.h>
#include <intel-hda/utils/intel-hda-proto.h>
namespace audio {
namespace intel_hda {
namespace codecs {
class IntelHDAStreamBase;
class IntelHDACodecDriverBase : public fbl::RefCounted<IntelHDACodecDriverBase> {
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual zx_status_t Suspend(uint32_t flags);
// Properties
zx_device_t* codec_device() const { return codec_device_; }
zx_time_t create_time() const { return create_time_; }
// Unsolicited tag allocation for streams
zx_status_t AllocateUnsolTag(const IntelHDAStreamBase& stream, uint8_t* out_tag);
void ReleaseUnsolTag(const IntelHDAStreamBase& stream, uint8_t tag);
void ReleaseAllUnsolTags(const IntelHDAStreamBase& stream);
static constexpr uint32_t CODEC_TID = 0xFFFFFFFF;
virtual ~IntelHDACodecDriverBase() { }
// Methods used by derived classes in order to implement their driver.
// Bind should only ever be called exactly once (during driver
// instantiation). Drivers must make sure that no other methods are in
// flight during a call to Bind.
zx_status_t Bind(zx_device_t* codec_dev, const char* name);
// Send a codec command to our codec device.
zx_status_t SendCodecCommand(uint16_t nid, CodecVerb verb, bool no_ack);
virtual zx_status_t Start() { return ZX_OK; }
virtual zx_status_t ProcessUnsolicitedResponse(const CodecResponse& resp) { return ZX_OK; }
virtual zx_status_t ProcessSolicitedResponse (const CodecResponse& resp) { return ZX_OK; }
// Unsolicited tag allocation for codecs.
zx_status_t AllocateUnsolTag(uint8_t* out_tag) { return AllocateUnsolTag(CODEC_TID, out_tag); }
void ReleaseUnsolTag(uint8_t tag) { ReleaseUnsolTag(CODEC_TID, tag); }
fbl::RefPtr<IntelHDAStreamBase> GetActiveStream(uint32_t stream_id)
zx_status_t ActivateStream(const fbl::RefPtr<IntelHDAStreamBase>& stream)
zx_status_t DeactivateStream(uint32_t stream_id)
// Debug logging
virtual void PrintDebugPrefix() const;
friend class fbl::RefPtr<IntelHDACodecDriverBase>;
union CodecChannelResponses {
ihda_proto::CmdHdr hdr;
ihda_proto::SendCORBCmdResp send_corb;
ihda_proto::RequestStreamResp request_stream;
ihda_proto::SetStreamFmtResp set_stream_fmt;
void DeviceRelease();
// Thunks for dispatching channel events.
zx_status_t ProcessClientRequest(dispatcher::Channel* channel);
void ProcessClientDeactivate(const dispatcher::Channel* channel);
// Unsolicited response tag to stream ID bookkeeping.
zx_status_t AllocateUnsolTag(uint32_t stream_id, uint8_t* out_tag);
void ReleaseUnsolTag (uint32_t stream_id, uint8_t tag);
void ReleaseAllUnsolTags(uint32_t stream_id);
zx_status_t MapUnsolTagToStreamId(uint8_t tag, uint32_t* out_stream_id);
// Called in order to unlink this device from the controller driver. After
// this call returns, the codec driver is guaranteed that no calls to any of
// the driver implemented callbacks (see below) are in flight, and that no
// new calls will be initiated. It is not safe to make this call during a
// controller callback. To unlink from a controller during a callback,
// return an error code from the callback.
void UnlinkFromController();
zx_status_t ProcessStreamResponse(const fbl::RefPtr<IntelHDAStreamBase>& stream,
const CodecChannelResponses& resp,
uint32_t resp_size,
zx::handle&& rxed_handle);
static zx_protocol_device_t CODEC_DEVICE_THUNKS;
zx_device_t* codec_device_ = nullptr;
zx_time_t create_time_ = zx_clock_get_monotonic();
fbl::Mutex device_channel_lock_;
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::Channel> device_channel_ __TA_GUARDED(device_channel_lock_);
using ActiveStreams = fbl::WAVLTree<uint32_t, fbl::RefPtr<IntelHDAStreamBase>>;
fbl::Mutex active_streams_lock_;
ActiveStreams active_streams_ __TA_GUARDED(active_streams_lock_);
fbl::Mutex shutdown_lock_ __TA_ACQUIRED_BEFORE(device_channel_lock_, active_streams_lock_);
bool shutting_down_ __TA_GUARDED(shutdown_lock_) = false;
// Dispatcher framework state
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::ExecutionDomain> default_domain_;
// State for tracking unsolicited response tag allocations.
// Note: If we wanted to save a bit of RAM, we could move this to a
// dynamically allocated list/tree based system. For now, however, this LUT
// is dirt simple and does the job.
fbl::Mutex unsol_tag_lock_;
uint64_t free_unsol_tags_ __TA_GUARDED(unsol_tag_lock_) = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEu;
uint32_t unsol_tag_to_stream_id_map_[sizeof(free_unsol_tags_) << 3]
} // namespace codecs
} // namespace intel_hda
} // namespace audio