blob: a2101ad6910654741abbf4b10ec050810b496593 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <fuchsia/sysmem/c/fidl.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
// Iff this returns true, the two pixel formats are equal.
bool ImageFormatIsPixelFormatEqual(const fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormat& a, const fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormat& b);
// true - The color_space is potentially compatible with the PixelFormat,
// assuming the correct variant of the ColorSpace is used (with correct bpp).
// false - The pixel_format bpp is not supported by the given ColorSpace. For
// example BT.2100 specifies 10 or 12 bpp, while NV12 specifies 8 bpp, so NV12
// is not compatible with BT.2100. Or, the system does not support the
// combination of ColorSpace and PixelFormat (even if they are hypothetically
// compatible; in this case support might be added later).
bool ImageFormatIsSupportedColorSpaceForPixelFormat(const fuchsia_sysmem_ColorSpace& color_space, const fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormat& pixel_format);
// If this returns true, the remainder of the functions in this header can be
// called with pixel_format. If this returns false, calling any other method of
// this header file may abort() and/or return a meaningless value.
bool ImageFormatIsSupported(const fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormat* pixel_format);
// Returns the number of bits per pixel for the given PixelFormat. This is the
// bits per pixel (RGB pixel or Y pixel) in the overall image across all bytes
// that contain pixel data.
// For example, NV12 is 12 bits per pixel. This accounts for sub-sampling in
// both horizontal and vertical.
uint32_t ImageFormatBitsPerPixel(const fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormat* pixel_format);
// This is the number of stride bytes per pixel of width (RGB pixel width or Y
// pixel width) of plane 0. For formats such as NV12 that separate Y and UV
// data, this is the number of stride bytes of the Y plane (plane 0). NV12 has
// the same stride for the UV data. This function doesn't return stride
// information for planes beyond plane 0.
uint32_t ImageFormatStrideBytesPerWidthPixel(
const fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormat* pixel_format);
// This would be height * stride, if it weren't for formats like NV12, where it
// isn't. The return value is in bytes.
uint64_t ImageFormatImageSize(const fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormat_2* image_format);
uint32_t ImageFormatCodedWidthMinDivisor(
const fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormat* pixel_format);
uint32_t ImageFormatCodedHeightMinDivisor(
const fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormat* pixel_format);
// The start of image data must be at least this aligned.
// The plane 0 stride is required to be divisible by this alignment. Generally
// the stride of planes beyond plane 0 (if any) will have a known fixed
// relationship with the plane 0 stride.
uint32_t ImageFormatSampleAlignment(
const fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormat* pixel_format);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"