blob: 3546e6d6da56345fe88bb507ede8cfabc784c954 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <kernel.h>
#include <bsp.h> // for CACHE_LINE_SIZE definition
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Configuration */
// To allow including FTLs with FAT/XFS or stand-alone
#if INC_FAT && !defined(INC_SECT_FTL)
#if INC_XFS && !defined(INC_PAGE_FTL)
// Default is to include page cache with 512B sector-mode FTL
/* Symbol Definitions */
// Flag values for the file systems' driver flags field
#define FSF_QUOTA_ENABLED (1 << 0)
#define FSF_READ_ONLY (1 << 1)
#define FSF_AUTO_MOUNT (1 << 2)
#define FSF_EXTRA_FREE (1 << 3)
#define FSF_DATA_CACHE (1 << 4)
#define FSF_FAT_MIN_CLUST (1 << 5) // use driver min cluster size
#define FSF_SYNCS_ON (1 << 6)
#define FSF_BLUNK_FTL (1 << 7)
#define FSF_TRANSFER_PAGE (1 << 8)
#define FSF_MULTI_ACCESS (1 << 9)
#define FSF_SLOW_MOUNT (1 << 10)
#define FSF_DRVR_SEM (1 << 11)
#define FSF_XFS_MIN_SECT (1 << 12)
#define FSF_FAT_SYNC_FATS (1 << 13) // sync FATs though both valid
#define FSF_CRYPT (1 << 14) // use encryption layer
#define FSF_ERASE_WAIT (1 << 15)
#define FSF_NOATIME (1 << 16) // dont update access time
#define FSF_NO_OVERWRITE (1 << 17)
#define FSF_FTL_PAGE_CACHE (1 << 18)
#define FSF_XFS_DCACHE (1 << 19)
#define FSF_FAT_SECT_SIZE (1 << 20) // use driver sector size
#define FSF_NOMODTIME (1 << 21) // dont update modification time
#define FSF_FREE_SPARE_ECC (1 << 22) // spare decode has no overhead
#define FSF_NDM_INIT_WRITE (1 << 23) // re-write NDM metadata on init
#define FSF_READ_WEAR_LIMIT (1 << 24) // driver specs read-wear limit
#define FSF_ALL \
// This flag is obsolete. It is now the default for TargetNDM driver
// routines to use page numbers instead of byte addresses.
#define FSF_DRVR_PAGES 0
// Head/Sector/Cylinder Address Conversion Constants. The specific
// values are not critical, but are used for consistency when our code
// needs to assign a value or to convert an LBA to a CHS address.
#define FAT_NUM_HEADS 4
// Valid TargetFAT partition types
#define FAT_12BIT 0x01
#define FAT_16BIT 0x04
#define FAT_BIGDOS 0x06
#define FAT_32BIT 0x0B
// Size in bytes of a FAT sector
#define FAT_SECT_SZ 512
/* Macro Definitions */
void AssertError(int line, const char* file);
#define PF_DEBUG
#define PfAssert(c) \
do { \
if (!(c)) \
AssertError(__LINE__, __FILE__); \
} while (0)
#define PfAssert(c) \
do { \
} while (0)
// Count number of bits set to 1 in a byte/32 bit value
#define ONES_UI8(b) (NumberOnes[(b) >> 4] + NumberOnes[(b)&0xF])
#define ONES_UI32(w) \
(ONES_UI8(((ui8*)&w)[0]) + ONES_UI8(((ui8*)&w)[1]) + ONES_UI8(((ui8*)&w)[2]) + \
/* Type Definitions */
// FS Crypt Driver Definitions
typedef enum {
typedef struct {
// Initialized by user
FS_CRYPTS type; // algorithm type
ui8* key; // algorithm secret key
int keylen; // key length
// Private data for encryption/file system layer
ui32 page_sz; // file system min read/write size
ui32 buf_pgs; // encryption buffer size in pages
void* fs_vol; // parameter passed to FS driver functions
int (*fs_wr)(const void* buf, ui32 frst, int n, void* fs_vol);
int (*fs_rd)(void* buf, ui32 frst, int n, void* fs_vol);
} FSCryptDrvr;
#endif /* FS_CRYPT */
// FFS NAND specific driver interface
typedef struct {
ui32 start_page; // volume first page on flash
ui32 read_wear_limit; // device read-wear limit
int (*write_page)(const void* buffer, ui32 pn, ui32 type, void* vol);
int (*write_pages)(ui32 start_pn, ui32 count, const void* data, void* spare, void* ndm);
int (*read_page)(ui32 pn, void* buffer, void* vol);
int (*read_pages)(ui32 start_pn, ui32 count, void* data, void* spare, void* ndm);
int (*transfer_page)(ui32 old_pn, ui32 new_pn, ui8* data, ui8* spare, void* ndm);
int (*read_type)(ui32 pn, ui32* typep, void* vol);
int (*page_erased)(ui32 pn, void* vol);
int (*erase_block)(ui32 pn, void* vol);
ui32 (*pair_offset)(ui32 page_offset, void* vol);
int spare_size;
void (*chip_show)(void* vol);
int (*rd_raw_page)(ui32 pn, void* buf, void* vol);
int (*is_block_bad)(ui32 addr, void* dev);
} FsNandDriver;
// FFS NOR specific driver interface
typedef struct {
int (*read_byte)(ui32 addr, void* vol);
int (*write_byte)(ui32 addr, ui8 data, void* vol);
int (*write_page)(const void* buffer, ui32 addr, void* vol);
int (*page_erased)(ui32 addr, void* vol);
int (*read_page)(void* buffer, ui32 addr, void* vol);
int (*transfer_page)(ui32 old_addr, ui32 new_addr, ui8* buf, void* vol);
int (*erase_block)(ui32 addr, void* vol);
void (*erase_wait)(void* vol);
void (*chip_show)(void* vol);
int (*chip_erase)(void* vol);
} FsNorDriver;
typedef union {
FsNandDriver nand;
FsNorDriver nor;
} FfsDriver;
// FFS structure holding all driver information
typedef struct {
char* name; // name of this volume
ui32 type; // vol flash type
ui32 block_size; // minimum erasable block size in bytes
ui32 page_size; // page size in bytes
ui32 num_blocks; // number of blocks in volume
ui32 mem_base; // volume base address
ui32 extra_free; // extra free space for faster execution
ui32 file_cache_kbs; // user data cache size in KBs
void* vol; // driver's volume pointer
void* vol_handle; // next_sect_chain() handle
ui32 flags;
FfsDriver driver;
} FfsVol;
// XFS structure holding all driver information
typedef struct XfsVol {
// Driver functions
int (*write_pages)(const void* buf, ui32 frst_pg, int cnt, void* vol);
int (*read_pages)(void* buf, ui32 frst_pg, int cnt, void* vol);
int (*report)(void* vol, ui32 msg, ...);
FSCryptDrvr fs_crypt; // handle for encryption layer
const char* name; // volume name
ui32 flags; // option flags
ui32 start_page; // first page in volume
ui32 num_pages; // number of pages in volume
ui32 page_size; // page size in bytes
ui32 file_cache_kbs; // user data cache size in kbs
ui32 min_sect_size; // minimum desired sector size
ui32 dcache_min_d_ents; // minimum/maximum number of directory
ui32 dcache_max_d_ents; // entries for a directory to be cached
ui32 dcache_size; // number of directories to be cached
void* vol; // driver's volume pointer
void* ftl_volume; // ftl layer (block device) volume
} XfsVol;
// FAT structure holding all driver information
typedef struct {
// Driver functions
int (*write_sectors)(const void* buf, ui32 f_sect, int cnt, void* vol);
int (*read_sectors)(void* buf, ui32 first_sect, int count, void* vol);
int (*report)(void* vol, ui32 msg, ...);
void (*slow_mount)(const char* name);
FSCryptDrvr fs_crypt; // handle for encryption layer
const char* name; // volume name
void* vol_sem; // driver-provided volume semaphore
ui32 serial_num; // volume serial number - for FSUID
ui32 cached_fat_sects; // FAT cache size (# of sectors)
ui32 num_heads; // number of heads
ui32 sects_per_trk; // sectors per track
ui32 start_sect; // starting sector for partition
ui32 num_sects; // total number of volume sectors
ui32 sect_size; // sector size in bytes
ui32 file_cache_kbs; // user data cache size in KBs
ui32 dir_cache_kbs; // directory cache size in KBs
ui32 min_clust_size; // minimum cluster size in bytes
ui32 flags; // option flags
void* vol; // driver's volume pointer
void* vol_handle; // next_sect_chain() handle
ui8 desired_sects_per_clust; // desired cluster size
ui8 desired_type; // desired FAT type
ui8 fixed; // fixed/removable media flag
} FatVol;
// FTL NDM structure holding all driver information
typedef struct {
ui32 block_size; // size of a block in bytes
ui32 num_blocks; // total number of blocks
ui32 page_size; // flash page data size in bytes
ui32 eb_size; // flash page spare size in bytes
ui32 start_page; // volume first page on flash
ui32 cached_map_pages; // number of map pages to be cached
ui32 cached_vol_pages; // number of volume pages to be cached
ui32 extra_free; // volume percentage left unused
ui32 read_wear_limit; // device read-wear limit
void* ndm; // driver's NDM pointer
ui32 flags; // option flags
ui32 type; // device type
// Driver functions:
int (*write_data_and_spare)(ui32 pn, const void* data, void* spare, void* ndm);
int (*write_pages)(ui32 start_pn, ui32 count, const void* data, void* spare, void* ndm);
int (*read_spare)(ui32 pn, void* spare, void* ndm);
int (*read_pages)(ui32 start_pn, ui32 count, void* data, void* spare, void* ndm);
int (*page_check)(ui32 pn, ui8* data, ui8* spare, void* ndm);
int (*transfer_page)(ui32 old_pn, ui32 new_pn, ui8* data, ui8* spare, void* ndm);
int (*erase_block)(ui32 pn, void* ndm);
ui32 (*pair_offset)(ui32 page_offset, void* ndm);
} FtlNdmVol;
// FTL NOR SLC/MLC/SIB/XDS structure holding all driver information
typedef struct {
ui32 block_size; // size of a block in bytes
ui32 num_blocks; // total number of blocks
ui32 mem_base; // base address
ui32 type; // vol flash type
ui32 cached_map_pages; // number of cached map pages
ui32 extra_free; // volume percentage left unused
ui32 read_wear_limit; // device read-wear limit
void* vol; // driver's volume pointer
ui32 flags; // option flags
// Driver functions
int (*write_page)(ui32 addr, const void* data, void* vol);
int (*transfer_page)(ui32 old_addr, ui32 new_addr, ui8* buf, void* vol);
int (*read_page)(ui32 addr, void* data, void* vol);
int (*read_pages)(ui32 start_addr, ui32 count, void* data, void* vol);
int (*and_byte)(ui32 addr, ui8 data, void* vol);
int (*read_byte)(ui32 addr, ui8* data, void* vol);
int (*write_long)(ui32 addr, ui32 data, void* vol);
int (*read_long)(ui32 addr, ui32* data, void* vol);
int (*erase_block)(ui32 addr, void* vol);
void (*chip_show)(void* vol);
int (*chip_erase)(void* vol);
} FtlNorVol;
// FTL NOR WR1 structure holding all driver information
typedef struct {
ui32 block_size; // size of a block in bytes
ui32 num_blocks; // total number of blocks
ui32 mem_base; // base address
ui32 cached_map_pages; // number of cached map pages
ui32 extra_free; // volume percentage left unused
ui32 read_wear_limit; // device read-wear limit
void* vol; // driver's volume pointer
ui32 flags; // option flags
// Driver functions
int (*write_512B)(ui32 addr, const void* data, void* vol);
int (*transfer_512B)(ui32 old_addr, ui32 new_addr, ui8* buf, void* vol);
int (*read_512B)(ui32 start_addr, ui32 count, void* data, void* vol);
int (*erased_512B)(ui32 addr, void* vol);
int (*write_32B)(ui32 addr, const void* data, void* vol);
int (*read_32B)(ui32 addr, void* data, void* vol);
int (*erased_32B)(ui32 addr, void* vol);
int (*erase_block)(ui32 addr, void* vol);
void (*chip_show)(void* vol);
int (*chip_erase)(void* vol);
} FtlWr1Vol;
// A partition entry in the partition table
// Following values for system_id are supported:
// 0x01 = FAT12 partition with fewer than 32680 sectors
// 0x04 = FAT16 partition with between 32680 and 65535 sectors
// 0x05 = extended DOS partition
// 0x06 = BIGDOS FAT primary or logical drive
// 0x0B = FAT32 partition up to 2047 GB
typedef struct {
ui32 first_sect; // first actual sector of partition (from 0)
ui32 num_sects; // total number of sectors in partition
ui16 start_cyl; // starting cylinder
ui16 end_cyl; // ending cylinder
ui8 boot_id; // 0x80 if bootable partition, 0x00 otherwise
ui8 start_head; // starting head
ui8 start_sect; // starting sector in track
ui8 type; // partition type
ui8 end_head; // ending head
ui8 end_sect; // ending sector in track
} FATPartition;
// Opaque Definition of TargetFAT's Internal Control Block
typedef struct fat FAT;
// FS Report Events
typedef enum {
// Flash Controller Configuration Codes
typedef enum {
/* Variable Declarations */
extern SEM FileSysSem;
extern SEM FsNvramSem;
extern const ui8 NumberOnes[];
/* Function Prototypes */
int FfsAddVol(FfsVol* vol);
int FfsAddNdmVol(FfsVol* vol, ui8* spare_buf);
int FatAddVol(FatVol* vol);
int XfsAddVol(XfsVol* vol);
int FtlNorAddFatVol(FtlNorVol* ftl_dvr, FatVol* fat_dvr);
int FtlWr1AddFatVol(FtlWr1Vol* ftl_dvr, FatVol* fat_dvr);
int FtlNorAddXfsVol(FtlNorVol* ftl_dvr, XfsVol* xfs_dvr);
int FtlWr1AddXfsVol(FtlWr1Vol* ftl_dvr, XfsVol* xfs_dvr);
// FAT interface to its underlying driver
FAT* FatVolOpen(const char* name);
int FatVolClose(FAT** fat);
int FatVolSync(FAT* fat);
int FatVolWriteSectors(FAT* fat, void* buf, ui32 first_sect, int count);
int FatVolReadSectors(FAT* fat, void* buf, ui32 first_sect, int count);
int FatVolSize(const FAT* fat, ui32* num_sects, ui32* sect_size);
// FAT recovery API
int FatVolCheck(const char* name);
int FatVolFix(const char* name);
// FAT volume label setting/retrieval APIs
int FatReadLabel(const char* vol_name, char* label, size_t label_sz);
int FatWriteLabel(const char* vol_name, const char* label);
// Partition access/modification functions
int FatRdPartitions(const FatVol* fat_vol, FATPartition* partitions, int max_partitions);
int FatWrPartitions(const FatVol* fat_vol, FATPartition* partitions, int num_partitions);
int FatWrPartition(const FatVol* fat_vol);
int FatGetPartitions(const ui8* boot_rec, FATPartition* partitions, int max_partitions);
int FatTotNumPartitions(const FatVol* fat_vol);
// FAT-Lite functions
int FatlAddVol(FatVol* driver);
int FatlDelVol(void);
int FatlRdPartitions(const FatVol* fat_vol, FATPartition* partitions, int max_partitions);
int FatlNumPartitions(const FatVol* fat_vol);
int FatlError(int err_code);
// 1 bit correction ECC encoding/decoding functions
void eccEnc512B1E(const ui8* data, ui8* ecc); // 3 bytes of ECC
int eccDec512B1E(ui8* data, const ui8* ecc); // 3 bytes of ECC
int eccDec512B1E2(ui8* data, const ui8* read_ecc, const ui8* calc_ecc);
void eccEnc14B1E(const ui8* data, ui8* ecc); // 2 bytes of ECC
int eccDec14B1E(ui8* data, const ui8* ecc); // 2 bytes of ECC
// 4 bit correction ECC encoding/decoding functions
void eccEnc512B4E(const ui8* data, ui8* ecc); // 10 bytes of ECC
int eccDec512B4E(ui8* data, const ui8* ecc); // 10 bytes of ECC
void eccEnc14B4E(const ui8* data, ui8* ecc); // 5 bytes of ECC
int eccDec14B4E(ui8* data, const ui8* ecc); // 5 bytes of ECC
// File System API to interact with NVRAM
void FsSaveMeta(ui32 vol_id, ui32 meta, const char* vol_name);
int FsReadMeta(ui32 vol_id, ui32* meta, const char* vol_name);
// Driver Test Routines
int FfsNorDvrTestAdd(const FfsVol* vol);
int FtlrDvrTestAdd(const FtlNorVol* ftl_vol);
int FtlWr1DvrTestAdd(const FtlWr1Vol* ftl_vol);
// NAND Flash Controller
int nandInit(FL_BUS_CFG config);
void nandCfgShow(char* beg, char* end);
void nandWrEn(void);
void nandWrDis(void);
void nandLowerCE(int instance);
void nandRaiseCE(int instance);
void nandAddr1B(uint b1);
void nandAddr2B(uint b1, uint b2);
void nandAddr3B(uint b1, uint b2, uint b3);
void nandAddr4B(uint b1, uint b2, uint b3, uint b4);
void nandAddr5B(uint b1, uint b2, uint b3, uint b4, uint b5);
void nandCmd(uint cnd);
void nandBusyWait(int instance);
void nandWrData8(const ui8* src, uint number);
void nandRdData8(ui8* dst, uint number);
int nandErased8(uint number);
void nandEccStart(void);
void nandEccStop(void);
void nandGet512B1E(ui8* ecc_ptr);
void nandGet512B1ETest(ui8* data, ui8* ecc);
int nandDec512B1E(ui8* data, const ui8* read_ecc, const ui8* calc_ecc);
void nandKeyStart(void);
ui32 nandValidKey(const void* data, uint page_len, ui32 init_val);
void nandIntrWait(void);
// NOR Flash Controller
ui32 norInit(FL_BUS_CFG config);
void norCfgShow(char* beg, char* end);
void norLowerCE(int instance);
ui32 norEnable(ui32 addr, int instance);
void norDisable(void);
void norWaitINT(void);
// SPI Flash Controller
void* spiConfig(FL_BUS_CFG config);
extern ui32 (*FlCfgFirst)(void);
extern ui32 (*FlCfgFaster)(int rc);
extern ui32 (*FlCfgSlower)(void);
extern void (*FlCfgShow)(char* beg, char* end);
extern void (*FlCfgSet)(ui32 cfg);
// TargetNDM NVRAM Control Page Storage
void NvNdmCtrlPgWr(ui32 frst);
ui32 NvNdmCtrlPgRd(void);
int next_sect_chain(void* vol_handle, ui32 curr_sect, ui32* next_sect);
#ifdef __cplusplus