blob: 5aaecca71a88d279ef8b7535819c462834d3dee1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include "function_internal.h"
#include "nullable.h"
namespace fit {
template <size_t inline_target_size, bool require_inline,
typename Result, typename... Args>
class function_impl;
// The default size allowance for storing a target inline within a function
// object, in bytes. This default allows for inline storage of targets
// as big as two pointers, such as an object pointer and a pointer to a member
// function.
constexpr size_t default_inline_target_size = sizeof(void*) * 2;
// A |fit::function| is a move-only polymorphic function wrapper.
// |fit::function<T>| behaves like |std::function<T>| except that it is move-only
// instead of copyable so it can hold targets which cannot be copied, such as
// mutable lambdas.
// Targets of up to |inline_target_size| bytes in size (rounded up for memory
// alignment) are stored inline within the function object without incurring
// any heap allocation. Larger callable objects will be moved to the heap as
// required.
// See also |fit::inline_function<T, size>| for more control over allocation
// behavior.
// |T| is the function's signature. e.g. void(int, std::string).
// |inline_target_size| is the minimum size of target that is guaranteed to
// fit within a function without requiring heap allocation.
// Defaults to |default_inline_target_size|.
// Class members are documented in |fit::function_impl|.
// -
// -
template <typename T, size_t inline_target_size = default_inline_target_size>
using function = function_impl<inline_target_size, false, T>;
// A move-only callable object wrapper which forces callables to be stored inline
// and never performs heap allocation.
// Behaves just like |fit::function<T, inline_target_size>| except that attempting
// to store a target larger than |inline_target_size| will fail to compile.
template <typename T, size_t inline_target_size = default_inline_target_size>
using inline_function = function_impl<inline_target_size, true, T>;
// Synonym for a function which takes no arguments and produces no result.
using closure = function<void()>;
// Function implementation details.
// See |fit::function| documentation for more information.
template <size_t inline_target_size, bool require_inline,
typename Result, typename... Args>
class function_impl<inline_target_size, require_inline, Result(Args...)> final {
using ops_type = const ::fit::internal::target_ops<Result, Args...>*;
using storage_type = typename std::aligned_storage<
(inline_target_size >= sizeof(void*)
? inline_target_size
: sizeof(void*))>::type; // avoid including <algorithm> just for max
template <typename Callable>
using target_type = ::fit::internal::target<
(sizeof(Callable) <= sizeof(storage_type)),
Result, Args...>;
using null_target_type = target_type<decltype(nullptr)>;
// The function's result type.
using result_type = Result;
// // Creates a function with an empty target.
function_impl() {
// Creates a function with an empty target.
function_impl(decltype(nullptr)) {
// Creates a function bound to the specified function pointer.
// If target == nullptr, assigns an empty target.
function_impl(Result (*target)(Args...)) {
// Creates a function bound to the specified callable object.
// If target == nullptr, assigns an empty target.
// For functors, we need to capture the raw type but also restrict on the existence of an
// appropriate operator () to resolve overloads and implicit casts properly.
template <typename Callable,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
function_impl(Callable target) {
// Creates a function with a target moved from another function,
// leaving the other function with an empty target.
function_impl(function_impl&& other) {
// Destroys the function, releasing its target.
~function_impl() {
// Returns true if the function has a non-empty target.
explicit operator bool() const {
return ops_ != &null_target_type::ops;
// Invokes the function's target.
// Aborts if the function's target is empty.
Result operator()(Args... args) const {
return ops_->invoke(&bits_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Assigns an empty target.
function_impl& operator=(decltype(nullptr)) {
return *this;
// Assigns the function's target.
// If target == nullptr, assigns an empty target.
template <typename Callable,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
function_impl& operator=(Callable target) {
return *this;
// Assigns the function with a target moved from another function,
// leaving the other function with an empty target.
function_impl& operator=(function_impl&& other) {
if (&other == this)
return *this;
return *this;
// Swaps the functions' targets.
void swap(function_impl& other) {
if (&other == this)
ops_type temp_ops = ops_;
storage_type temp_bits;
ops_->move(&bits_, &temp_bits);
ops_ = other.ops_;
other.ops_->move(&other.bits_, &bits_);
other.ops_ = temp_ops;
temp_ops->move(&temp_bits, &other.bits_);
// Returns a pointer to the function's target.
template <typename Callable>
Callable* target() {
return static_cast<Callable*>(ops_->get(&bits_));
// Returns a pointer to the function's target.
template <typename Callable>
const Callable* target() const {
return static_cast<Callable*>(ops_->get(&bits_));
// Returns a new function object which invokes the same target.
// The target itself is not copied; it is moved to the heap and its
// lifetime is extended until all references have been released.
// Note: This method is not supported on |fit::inline_function<>|
// because it may incur a heap allocation which is contrary to
// the stated purpose of |fit::inline_function<>|.
function_impl share() {
static_assert(!require_inline, "Inline functions cannot be shared.");
// TODO(jeffbrown): Replace shared_ptr with a better ref-count mechanism.
// TODO(jeffbrown): This definition breaks the client's ability to use
// |target()| because the target's type has changed. We could fix this
// by defining a new target type (and vtable) for shared targets
// although it would be nice to avoid memory overhead and code expansion
// when sharing is not used.
struct ref {
std::shared_ptr<function_impl> target;
Result operator()(Args... args) {
return (*target)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (ops_ != &target_type<ref>::ops) {
if (ops_ == &null_target_type::ops) {
return nullptr;
auto target = ref{std::make_shared<function_impl>(std::move(*this))};
*this = std::move(target);
return function_impl(*static_cast<ref*>(ops_->get(&bits_)));
function_impl(const function_impl& other) = delete;
function_impl& operator=(const function_impl& other) = delete;
// assumes target is uninitialized
void initialize_null_target() {
ops_ = &null_target_type::ops;
// assumes target is uninitialized
template <typename Callable>
void initialize_target(Callable target) {
static_assert(!require_inline || sizeof(Callable) <= inline_target_size,
"Callable too large to store inline as requested.");
if (is_null(target)) {
} else {
ops_ = &target_type<Callable>::ops;
target_type<Callable>::initialize(&bits_, std::move(target));
// leaves target uninitialized
void destroy_target() {
// leaves other target initialized to null
void move_target_from(function_impl&& other) {
ops_ = other.ops_;
other.ops_->move(&other.bits_, &bits_);
template <typename Callable>
void check_target_type() const {
if (ops_ != &target_type<Callable>::ops)
ops_type ops_;
mutable storage_type bits_;
}; // namespace fit
template <size_t inline_target_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
void swap(function_impl<inline_target_size, require_inline, Result, Args...>& a,
function_impl<inline_target_size, require_inline, Result, Args...>& b) {
template <size_t inline_target_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
bool operator==(const function_impl<inline_target_size, require_inline, Result, Args...>& f,
decltype(nullptr)) {
return !f;
template <size_t inline_target_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
bool operator==(decltype(nullptr),
const function_impl<inline_target_size, require_inline, Result, Args...>& f) {
return !f;
template <size_t inline_target_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
bool operator!=(const function_impl<inline_target_size, require_inline, Result, Args...>& f,
decltype(nullptr)) {
return !!f;
template <size_t inline_target_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr),
const function_impl<inline_target_size, require_inline, Result, Args...>& f) {
return !!f;
// Returns a Callable object which invokes a member function of an object.
template <typename R, typename T, typename... Args>
auto bind_member(T* instance, R (T::*fn)(Args...)) {
return [instance, fn](Args... args) {
return (instance->*fn)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} // namespace fit