Intel Hardware Performance Monitor Data Collection

See chapters 18,19 of the Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual.


Several ioctls are provided to control performance data collection.


ssize_t ioctl_cpuperf_get_properties(int fd, cpuperf_properties_t* props);

Return various aspects of PMU properties in |*props|.

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code.


ssize_t ioctl_cpuperf_alloc_trace(int fd, const ioctl_cpuperf_alloc_t* alloc);

Allocate various resources needed to perform a trace. This must be called before staging a configuration and starting a trace. This must be called while tracing is stopped.

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code.


ssize_t ioctl_cpuperf_free_trace(int fd);

Free all resources allocated by a preceding all to ioctl_cpuperf_alloc_trace(). This must be called while tracing is stopped.

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code.


ssize_t ioctl_cpuperf_get_alloc(int fd, cpuperf_alloc_t* alloc);

Fetch the trace configuration passed in to a preceding call to ioctl_cpuperf_alloc_trace().

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code.


ssize_t ioctl_cpuperf_stage_config(int fd, const cpuperf_config_t* config);

Configure data collection. |*config| specifies the events to collect and the rate at which to collect them. This must be called while tracing is stopped.

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code.


ssize_t ioctl_cpuperf_get_config(int fd, cpuperf_config_t* config);

Fetch the configuration passed in to a preceding call to ioctl_cpuperf_stage_config().

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code.


ssize_t ioctl_cpuperf_get_buffer_handle(
    int fd, const ioctl_cpuperf_buffer_handle_req_t* rqst,
    zx_handle_t* handle);

Fetch the handle of the VMO for the given descriptor. Each CPU is given a separate VMO and the descriptor is the cpu's number. This must be called while tracing is stopped.

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code.


ssize_t ioctl_cpuperf_start(int fd);

Start data collection. This must be called while tracing is stopped.

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code.


ssize_t ioctl_cpuperf_stop(int fd);

Stop tracing and collect any remaining data from each cpu. This may be called even if tracing is already stopped.

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code.


Here's a sketch of typical usage:

  1. ioctl_cpuperf_alloc_trace(fd, &alloc)
  2. ioctl_cpuperf_stage_config(fd, &config)
  3. ioctl_cpuperf_start(fd)
  4. launch program one wishes to trace
  5. ioctl_cpuperf_stop(fd)
  6. fetch handles for each vmo, and process data
  7. ioctl_cpuperf_free_trace(fd) [this will free each buffer as well]