blob: 5351f22c1b49b24aa850efec95a2bc4b84504e7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#pragma once
#if defined(__ASSEMBLER__)
// This is used in assembly code to specify a code fragment that will get
// filled in by the given function, patch_func() when the kernel starts up.
// |loc| specifies which code will be patched up, so that a functioning
// version of the code may be used before patching takes place. This is
// needed, for example, for memcpy and memset.
#define APPLY_CODE_PATCH_FUNC_WITH_DEFAULT(patch_func, loc, size_in_bytes) \
/* Add "struct CodePatchInfo" entry to the code_patch_table array. */ \
.pushsection code_patch_table,"a",%progbits; \
.balign 8; \
.quad patch_func; /* apply_func field */ \
.quad loc; /* dest_addr field */ \
.quad size_in_bytes; /* dest_size field */ \
// This is used in assembly code to specify a code fragment that will get
// filled in by the given function, patch_func(), when the kernel starts
// up. This is used for selecting instructions based on which instructions
// the CPU supports.
#define APPLY_CODE_PATCH_FUNC(patch_func, size_in_bytes) \
0: \
/* Allocate placeholder code. We fill this with the 1-byte int3 */ \
/* instruction (0xcc), which will fault if we accidentally execute */ \
/* it before applying the patch. */ \
.fill size_in_bytes, 1, 0xcc; \
APPLY_CODE_PATCH_FUNC_WITH_DEFAULT(patch_func, 0b, size_in_bytes)
#include <stdint.h>
struct CodePatchInfo {
void (*apply_func)(const CodePatchInfo* patch);
uint8_t* dest_addr; // Destination code address to patch.
uint64_t dest_size; // Size of placeholder code.
// CODE_TEMPLATE(kVar, "asm...") assembles the given assembly code and
// makes the resulting bytes available in a global variable, kVar. kVarEnd
// specifies the end address of kVar, allowing the size of the code
// fragment to be calculated.
#define CODE_TEMPLATE(name, asm_code) \
extern const uint8_t name[]; \
extern const uint8_t name##End[]; \
__asm__(".pushsection .rodata.code_template,\"a\",%progbits\n" \
".global " #name "\n" \
".global " #name "End\n" \
#name ":\n" \
asm_code "\n" \
#name "End:\n" \