

vcpu_create - create a VCPU


#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/hypervisor.h>

zx_status_t zx_vcpu_create(zx_handle_t guest, uint32_t options,
                           zx_vaddr_t entry, zx_handle_t* out);


vcpu_create() creates a VCPU within a guest, which allows for execution within the virtual machine. One or more VCPUs may be created per guest, where the number of VCPUs does not need to match the number of physical CPUs on the machine.

entry is the instruction pointer used to indicate where in guest physical memory execution of the VCPU should start.

vcpu is bound to the thread that created it, and all syscalls that operate on it must be called from the same thread, with the exception of vcpu_interrupt().

N.B. VCPU is an abbreviation of virtual CPU.

The following rights will be set on the handle out by default:

ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATEout may be duplicated.

ZX_RIGHT_TRANSFERout may be transferred over a channel.

ZX_RIGHT_EXECUTEout may have its execution resumed (or begun)

ZX_RIGHT_SIGNALout may be interrupted

ZX_RIGHT_READout may have its state read

ZX_RIGHT_WRITEout may have its state written


vcpu_create() returns ZX_OK on success. On failure, an error value is returned.


ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED guest does not have the ZX_RIGHT_WRITE right, or apic_vmo does not have the ZX_RIGHT_READ and ZX_RIGHT_WRITE rights.

ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE guest is an invalid handle.

ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS args contains an invalid argument, or out is an invalid pointer, or options is nonzero.

ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY Temporary failure due to lack of memory.

ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE guest is not a handle to a guest.


guest_create, guest_set_trap, vcpu_resume, vcpu_interrupt, vcpu_read_state, vcpu_write_state.