blob: 82e2cabf28a0013a4166cc02e6dcfc4bb738bf68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef LIB_ZX_VMO_H_
#define LIB_ZX_VMO_H_
#include <lib/zx/handle.h>
#include <lib/zx/object.h>
#include <lib/zx/resource.h>
namespace zx {
class bti;
class vmo : public object<vmo> {
static constexpr zx_obj_type_t TYPE = ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO;
constexpr vmo() = default;
explicit vmo(zx_handle_t value) : object(value) {}
explicit vmo(handle&& h) : object(h.release()) {}
vmo(vmo&& other) : object(other.release()) {}
vmo& operator=(vmo&& other) {
return *this;
static zx_status_t create(uint64_t size, uint32_t options, vmo* result);
static zx_status_t create_contiguous(
const bti& bti, size_t size, uint32_t alignment_log2, vmo* result);
static zx_status_t create_physical(
const resource& resource, zx_paddr_t paddr, size_t size, vmo* result);
zx_status_t read(void* data, uint64_t offset, size_t len) const {
return zx_vmo_read(get(), data, offset, len);
zx_status_t write(const void* data, uint64_t offset, size_t len) const {
return zx_vmo_write(get(), data, offset, len);
zx_status_t get_size(uint64_t* size) const {
return zx_vmo_get_size(get(), size);
zx_status_t set_size(uint64_t size) const {
return zx_vmo_set_size(get(), size);
zx_status_t clone(uint32_t options, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size,
vmo* result) const {
// Allow for the caller aliasing |result| to |this|.
vmo h;
zx_status_t status = zx_vmo_clone(
get(), options, offset, size, h.reset_and_get_address());
return status;
zx_status_t op_range(uint32_t op, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size,
void* buffer, size_t buffer_size) const {
return zx_vmo_op_range(get(), op, offset, size, buffer, buffer_size);
zx_status_t set_cache_policy(uint32_t cache_policy) {
return zx_vmo_set_cache_policy(get(), cache_policy);
zx_status_t replace_as_executable(const handle& vmex, vmo* result) {
zx_handle_t h = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
zx_status_t status = zx_vmo_replace_as_executable(value_, vmex.get(), &h);
// We store ZX_HANDLE_INVALID to value_ before calling reset on result
// in case result == this.
return status;
using unowned_vmo = unowned<vmo>;
} // namespace zx
#endif // LIB_ZX_VMO_H_