blob: 87bb233f92e69dda80aea309987f4c4adb73d8de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// an MDI binary file consists of a bootdata_t header (see zircon/bootdata.h)
// followed by a tree of mdi_node_t nodes.
// The root node has id set to mdi_root_id.
// MDI Nodes are aligned to 8 byte boundaries
#define MDI_ALIGN(x) (((x) + MDI_ALIGNMENT - 1) & ~(MDI_ALIGNMENT - 1))
// MDI node type
typedef enum {
MDI_UINT8, // unsigned 8-bit integer type
MDI_INT32, // signed 32-bit integer type
MDI_UINT32, // unsigned 32-bit integer type
MDI_UINT64, // unsigned 64-bit integer type
MDI_BOOLEAN, // boolean type
// types below cannot be elements of arrays
MDI_LIST = 16, // node is a list of children
MDI_ARRAY, // array of elements with same type laid out for fast random access
MDI_STRING, // zero terminated char string
} mdi_type_t;
// MDI node identifier
// encodes both name and type of the node
typedef uint32_t mdi_id_t;
#define MDI_TYPE_SHIFT 23
#define MDI_TYPE_MASK 0x0F800000
#define MDI_ARRAY_TYPE_MASK 0xF0000000
#define MDI_MAX_ID ((1 << MDI_TYPE_SHIFT) - 1)
#define MDI_ID_TYPE(id) (mdi_type_t)(((id) & MDI_TYPE_MASK) >> MDI_TYPE_SHIFT)
#define MDI_ID_ARRAY_TYPE(id) (mdi_type_t)(((id) & MDI_ARRAY_TYPE_MASK) >> MDI_ARRAY_TYPE_SHIFT)
#define MDI_ID_NUM(id) ((id) & MDI_MAX_ID)
#define MDI_MAKE_ID(type, num) ((type << MDI_TYPE_SHIFT) | num)
#define MDI_MAKE_ARRAY_ID(type, num) ((MDI_ARRAY << MDI_TYPE_SHIFT) | (type << MDI_ARRAY_TYPE_SHIFT) | num)
static const mdi_id_t mdi_root_id = MDI_MAKE_ID(MDI_LIST, 0);
// mdi_node_t represents a node in the device index.
// For integer and boolean types, the mdi_node_t is self contained and
// mdi_node_t.length is sizeof(mdi_node_t).
// Nodes of type MDI_STRING are immediately followed by a zero terminated char string.
// Nodes of type MDI_LIST are followed by the list's child nodes.
// Nodes of type MDI_ARRAY are followed by the raw array element values.
typedef struct {
mdi_id_t id;
uint32_t length; // total length of the node, including subtree
union {
uint8_t u8; // also used for boolean values
int32_t i32;
uint32_t u32;
uint64_t u64;
uint32_t str_len; // length of zero terminated string following this struct
uint32_t child_count; // number of children for list and array nodes
} value;
} mdi_node_t;
static_assert(sizeof(mdi_node_t) == 16, "");