Hypervisor Benchmarking

This document will guide you through the process of building a Debian Linux based system that can be used to execute benchmarks on both KVM and Zircon guests. The approach outlined here will create a USB flash drive that is bootable on x86-64 EFI based systems.

Setup the Flash Drive

Insert the USB drive into your host machine and run the following:

sudo apt install debootstrap gdisk
# Follow the instructions presented.

Note: If you experience apt failures during the bootstrap process check if your firewall is blocking traffic.

This will setup an EFI system partition with GRUB configured to either boot Zircon or Linux. The Linux image includes sufficient packages and scripts to boot itself as a KVM guest.

Creating a Zircon guest

Boot off the flash drive and select “Zircon” from the GRUB menu.

The appropriate block device corresponding to the USB flash drive must be determined. We're looking for a removable device (RE flags) with 3 partitions (EFI, Root, Home).

$ lsblk
ID   SIZE TYPE            LABEL                FLAGS   DEVICE
000   14G                                      RE      /dev/sys/pci/...
001  200M efi system      EFI System Partition RE      /dev/sys/pci/...
002    5G unknown         Root                 RE      /dev/sys/pci/...
003    2G unknown         Home                 RE      /dev/sys/pci/...

In the example above, the correct device is 000. Using that block device we can create a guest:

$ guest -g -b /dev/class/block/000 -c "root=/dev/vda2 ro console=tty0" /boot/data/bzImage

Upon a successful boot you should see a login prompt with default login credentials provided.

Creating a KVM guest

Boot off the flash drive and select “Debian” from the GRUB menu and login with the credentials displayed on the login screen. Use the included script to create a QEMU/KVM guest:

sudo /opt/run-qemu.sh

Once booted login to the guest using the credentials on the login screen.

Running benchmarks

First we need to mount the RW home partition that holds the benchmarks and we can write our results to. The device name is slightly different on KVM and Zircon guests:

# Zircon Guests:
sudo mount -o rw /dev/vda3 /home

# QEMU/KVM Guests:
sudo mount -o rw /dev/vdb /home

Run unixbench

cd /home/bench/byte-unixbench-master/UnixBench