Zircon on Khadas VIM and VIM2 Boards

This document describes running Zircon on the Khadas VIM and VIM2 boards. These two boards are very similar so one document can describe how to work with both of them. Additional documentation can be found at docs.khadas.com

When describing the location of buttons, pins and other items on the board, we will refer to the side with the USB, ethernet and HDMI connectors as the front of the board and the opposite side the back of the board.

Serial Console

The debug UART for the serial console is exposed on the 40 pin header at the back of the board. You may use a 3.3v FTDI USB to serial cable to access the serial console. On the front row of the header:

  • 2nd from right: TX (Yellow wire)
  • 3rd from right: RX (Orange wire)
  • 4th from right: Ground (Black wire)

In this diagram of the 40 pin header, these correspond to pins 17 through 19.


The VIM and VIM2 have 3 buttons on the left side of the board. The front button is the reset button. The other two buttons are general purpose, but the back button can also be used for entering flashing mode. If the back button is held down while the board is reset or power cycled, the bootloader will enter flashing mode instead of booting the kernel normally.

Preparing the Bootloader

The VIM boards come preinstalled with a u-boot bootloader. By default the bootloader is configured to use a proprietary Amlogic protocol for flashing the board. Unfortunately the Amlogic “update” flashing tool is not widely available and only runs on Linux. So we will configure the bootloader to use the fastboot protocol instead.

To configure u-boot to use fastboot, reset the board and repeatedly press the space bar in the serial console. This should get you into u-boot's shell:


In the u-boot shell, type:

setenv update fastboot

After resetting the board again, the board should enter fastboot mode when booting with the back button depressed. Then the board can be flashed with the Android fastboot tool. If the board fails to enter fastboot mode, your board might have an older version of u-boot that does not support it. In that case you will need to update the u-boot on your board. Otherwise, skip ahead to “Building Zircon”

The steps are described here, but below are some simplified instructions that do not assume you checked out a full Android source tree, and use the Amlogic “update” tool instead of tftp:

# install toolchains:
sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi

# get the u-boot sources:
git clone https://github.com/khadas/u-boot
cd u-boot
git checkout origin/Nougat

# for VIM
make kvim_defconfig
# for VIM2
make kvim2_defconfig

make -j8 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-

# flash the new u-boot using the Amlogic "update" tool:
update partition bootloader fip/u-boot.bin

Building Zircon


make -j32 vim


make -j32 vim2

Flashing Zircon

First enter fastboot mode by resetting the board with the back button depressed. Then:



