Bootloader Setup with USB Flash Drive

These instructions prepare a USB flash drive to be the bootloader for your device: this procedure only allows you to netboot, it won't put anything on your internal storage. This USB flash drive can then direct your device to boot from the freshly-built OS on your network-connected host development machine (or alternately from the OS on the flash drive itself).

  • Format the first partition of your USB flash drive as FAT; keep it connected
  • Execute fx set x86-64 (if you haven't already)
  • To network-boot via GigaBoot20x6, execute fx mkbootloader. This command does the following for you:
    • Builds Zircon (for x86, as you have set)
    • Creates a /efi/boot directory on your USB drive
    • Copies ‘build-zircon/build-x86/bootloader/bootx64.efi’ (the bootloader) from your host to /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI on your USB drive
  • To network-boot via zedboot, fx mkzedboot /path/to/your/device. The mkzedboot command does the above, as well as the following, for you:
    • Creates a zedboot.bin (from zircon.bin and bootdata.bin in your ‘out’ tree)
    • Creates a CMDLINE file that sets the default boot to zedboot with ‘0’ timeout
    • Copies these zedboot.bin and CMDLINE files to the root of your USB drive
  • Use your host OS to safely remove the USB drive; insert it into your device
  • On your host, run fx build (if you haven't already), then fx boot
  • Connect your device to your host via built-in ethernet, then power up the device

Note: to enable booting from flash drive (with no network connection needed), copy ‘zircon.bin’ to /zircon.bin on the root of flash drive. The device will boot from that OS instead of the network. In Gigaboot, press ‘m’ to boot zircon vs ‘z’ for zedboot, or set the default boot behavior with command line flags.

See also: