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  1. lib/
  2. analysis_options.yaml
  4. pubspec.yaml

The Fuchsia Driver Library

This library is a wrapper for the flutter_driver library that allows for flutter_driver tests and scripts to run either as a target application (running on a Fuchsia device), or as a remote-to-target test (a test that will connect to the Fuchsia device to run a flutter_driver script).

Using this library

Note: the mod you are trying to drive must already be running in order for you to be able to connect to it. Doing this automatically is outside of the scope of this library. Please instead refer to //topaz/tests/modular_integration_tests for how to run mods along with driver tests simultaneously.

First, make sure you've got a cursory familiarity with the flutter_driver library api available here, and some examples here. This is a very powerful way to drive integration tests.

Include //topaz/public/lib/fuchsia_driver in your file's deps.

Then make sure to include the following:

import 'package:fuchsia_driver/fuchsia_driver.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/flutter_driver.dart';

You can then connect to the Isolate running your mod using the following code:

final FuchsiaRemoteConnection connection = FuchsiaDriver.connect();
final List<IsolateRef> refs =
    await connection.getMainIsolatesByPattern(yourModulePackageName);
// If this doesn't return null, you can assume there is only one isolate.
final IsolateRef ref = refs.first;
final FlutterDriver driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(
    dartVmServiceUrl: ref.dartVm.uri.toString(),
    isolateNumber: ref.number);

Now that you have an instance of the driver, you can drive your mod using the FlutterDriver API.

Running tests

If you use the Fuchsia Driver for testing, you can either declare your test file as a dart_fuchsia_test target, which will then build your test to run on the Fuchsia device, or you can make a dart_remote_test target in your file, which will allow you to run the flutter_driver connection from your host machine to the Fuchsia device through an SSH tunnel.

Running a dart_fuchsia_test

A dart_fuchsia_test is a test that runs on the Fuchsia device.

To build one of these tests, first make sure that your test file is under a test folder inside your mod's root directory, and that it ends in _test.dart.

Then, make a dart_fuchsia_test target in your file(imported from //build/dart/dart_fuchsia_test.gni).

You should then point to the target as a package (an example would be //topaz/packages/examples/tests for something that points to a dart_fuchsia_test as one of its package targets.

Then, once you've included this in your build via the --packages flag for fx set and installed the package onto your device, you can run it with:

$ run your_test_target_name

Running a dart_remote_test

A dart_remote_test is a test that runs on your host machine that has its env information (FUCHSIA_SSH_CONFIG and FUCHSIA_DEVICE_URL) set so that an SSH tunnel to the Fuchsia device can be created. An example of this would be the execution of the call FuchsiaRemoteConnection.connect, which uses these environment variables.

Making one of these tests requires that you import //build/dart/dart_remote_test.gni into your file.

Declaring a dart_remote_test target is different from dart_fuchsia_test as you need to specify the source files.

You can then run it using the fx dart-remote-test command with a target of your GN target, like //topaz/examples/test/driver_example_mod:driver_mod_integration_tests, for example.


Example code that uses the flutter_driver, fuchsia_driver, dart_fuchsia_test, and dart_remote_test can be found in //topaz/examples/test/driver_example_mod.