Topaz Integration Tests

The topaz integration tests use the device runner to launch a module, then run a test against said module.

Adding Tests

This module assumes you've read how to use the flutter and fuchsia driver code, and have made the appropriate modules to run your own tests:

If you‘d like to test a module, you’ll need to add a dependency in packages/tests/modular_integration_tests (there is an example mod included).

Then, you‘ll want to target the test(s) in the //topaz/tests/modular_integration_tets/topaz_modular_integration_tests.json file. The first test target should provide a pretty complete example. Here are the relevant flags you’ll probably want:

  • --test should be enabled so that timeouts are possible (this will prevent tests from hanging indefinitely).

  • --enable_presenter must be set if you wish to draw to the GPU. This is required if you wish to simulate touching, scrolling, etc, via flutter_driver.

  • --device_shell_args=--test_timeout_ms=[timeout] This will set the timeout for the test. It is recommended to set this to at least 60000 (one minute), as in its curret state, the integration testing framework is in its early stages and can take a while to complete.

  • --user_shell_args These will be broken down based on what they do:

    • --root_module This should almost always be test_driver_module, which will run you module as well as the testing application.

    • --module_under_test_url This is the URL for the mod you're testing.

    • --test_driver_url This is the URL for the test which will connect to the module_under_test_url and run integration tests against it. As an example: this component will connect to the Dart VM that the module under test is running on, then run integration tests, like sending touch events or testing specific widgets.

The account provider, device shell, user shell, etc, will likely remain unchanged except under specific circumstances beyond the scope of this readme.

Running Tests Manually

After following the above, you can run the integration tests manually by way of the following command (note that this shouldn't be run on Qemu. It will crash. The path to this binary is also subject to change.):

fx shell /pkgfs/packages/topaz_modular_integration_tests/0/bin/