The Sledge library.

The goal of this library is to offer a high level API to Ledger, with functionalities including:

  • Storing structured data in Ledger.
  • Primitives with automatic conflicts resolution strategies.
  • Ability to run queries.


To speed up the implementation of Sledge, the following assumptions were made:

  • Only Sledge uses Ledger.
  • Only one Ledger instance is used per process.

These assumptions will be lifted later on.

User guide

Creating a sledge instance

The first step in using Sledge is to create a new Sledge instance.

  import 'package:sledge/sledge.dart';
  Sledge sledge = Sledge(componentContext);

Alternatively, if using Sledge from a Module:

Sledge sledge = Sledge.fromModule(moduleContext);

Writing a document

Writing a document to Sledge is done in 3 steps:

  1. Create a Schema.
    Map<String, BaseType> schemaDescription = <String, BaseType>{
      'someField': Boolean(),
      'someOtherField': Integer()
    Schema schema = Schema(schemaDescription);
  1. Create a DocumentId A DocumentID uniquely identifies a Document. A unique DocumentID can be created like so:
    DocumentId id = DocumentId(schema);

Alternatively, a DocumentID that must not be random can be created like so:

    DocumentId id = DocumentId.fromIntId(schema, 2018);
  1. Create and write to a document
    await sledge.runInTransaction(() async {
      Document doc = await sledge.getDocument(id);
      doc['someField'].value = true;
      doc['someOtherField'].value = 42;

Reading a document

Reading a document can be done by executing a query:

    // Read all Documents that have the Schema `schema`.
    await sledge.runInTransaction(() async {
      final List<Document> documents =

Alternatively, if the ID of a Document is known, it can be read directly using Sledge.getDocument:

    await sledge.runInTransaction(() async {
      Document doc = await sledge.getDocument(id);
      assert(doc['someField'].value == true);
      assert(doc['someOtherField'].value == 42);

Inner workings

Types and Schemas

The structure of the data stored in Ledger is defined using Schemas. Schemas map strings to Types. The available Types are: Boolean, Integer, Double, Schemas, LastOneWinsString, LastOneWinsUint8List, IntCounter, DoubleCounter, BytelistMap, BytelistSet.


Schemas describe the structures, but they can't hold any data. To store data we can create Values from Schemas. Every Type has an associated Value, for example:

  • Boolean -> BooleanValue
  • Integer -> IntegerValue
  • Schema -> NodeValue


Documents wrap values and offer facilities to interact with Sledge.


Queries allow obtaining all the Documents of a given Schema, optionally filtering the results according to a set of criteria.

An exhaustive demonstration of the Querying capabilities and syntax can be found in the unittests for Queries. The QueryBuilder class exists to make Query creation easier.

Currently Queries are not accelerated using indexes, so the complexity of running queries is in O(number of Documents of the given Schema). With indexes, the complexity would be O(number of results of the Query).


Host-side tests

These tests run on the host and use a fake Ledger.

fx set workstation.x64 --with-base ./topaz/public/dart/sledge:dart_sledge_tests
# if you want to be able to run with `fx run-host-tests dart_sledge_tests`,
# also include the following packages:
# --with=//bundles:kitchen_sink,//bundles:tests,//garnet/packages:all,//peridot/packages:all,//src/experiences:dart_unittests,//topaz`.
fx build

When testing is complete, reset to default packages with:

fx set x64 $FUCHSIA_DIR/out/release-x64 --args=is_debug=false

Device-side integration tests

To locally run these tests:

fx set x64 --product ermine --monolith topaz/packages/all --monolith topaz/packages/tests/all
fx build
fx run-test sledge_integration_tests

The results of the tests are visible in the logs:

fx syslog