blob: 214cc789450880fae607d58b8ea0de9414877858 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_setui/fidl.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:lib_setui_settings_common/setting_adapter.dart';
import 'package:lib_setui_settings_common/setting_controller.dart';
/// A controller for interacting with the wireless networks.
class WirelessController extends SettingController<WirelessState> {
WirelessController(SettingAdapter adapter) : super(adapter);
final WirelessUiState uiState = WirelessUiState();
/// Enter in a password and connect to the currently selected point
Future<void> password(String password) async {
await _connect();
/// Called when the user dismisses the password dialog
void dismissPassword() {
/// Connects to the specified [WirelessAccessPoint].
/// If the access point requires password, then show password dialog if needed
Future<void> select(WirelessNetwork network) async {
if (uiState._networkSelected(network)) {
await _connect();
Future<void> _connect() async {
// TODO: mutate
class WirelessUiState extends ChangeNotifier {
final ValueNotifier<CurrentScreen> _screen =
final ValueNotifier<WirelessNetwork> _selectedAccessPoint =
final ValueNotifier<String> _password = ValueNotifier(null);
WirelessUiState() {
// Returns true if the selection should result in immediate connection
bool _networkSelected(WirelessNetwork network) {
_selectedAccessPoint.value = network;
if (network.wpaAuth != WpaAuth.noneOpen) {
_screen.value = CurrentScreen.passwordShowing;
} else {
_screen.value = CurrentScreen.connecting;
return true;
return false;
void _passwordSubmitted(String password) {
_password.value = password;
_screen.value = CurrentScreen.connecting;
void _passwordDismissed() {
void _reset() {
_screen.value = CurrentScreen.main;
_selectedAccessPoint.value = null;
_password.value = null;
CurrentScreen get screen => _screen.value;
WirelessNetwork get selectedAccessPoint => _selectedAccessPoint.value;
enum CurrentScreen {