blob: eecd817b13cfc2fe1920e8961d1281ba9617cd65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'bitfield64.dart';
import 'heap.dart';
import 'util.dart';
import 'vmo_fields.dart';
import 'vmo_holder.dart';
/// Mirrors a single block in the VMO.
/// Can be read from VMO and/or initialized and modified by code, then
/// written to VMO if desired.
class Block {
final _header = Bitfield64();
final _payloadBits = Bitfield64();
final VmoHolder _vmo;
/// Index of the block within the VMO
final int index;
/// Initializes an empty [BlockType.reserved] block that isn't in the VMO yet.
Block.create(this._vmo, this.index) {
..write(typeBits, BlockType.reserved.value)
..write(orderBits, defaultBlockOrder);
/// Create a block with arbitrary type.
Block.createWithType(this._vmo, this.index, BlockType type) {
_header..write(typeBits, type.value)..write(orderBits, defaultBlockOrder);
/// Initializes by reading the block from the VMO., this.index) {
// TODO(CF-603): Validate index. More validating of parameters everywhere.
_header.value = _vmo.readInt64(_offset);
_payloadBits.value = _vmo.readInt64(_payloadOffset);
/// The block's payload as a string of bytes (for [BlockType.nameUtf8] or
/// [BlockType.extent]).
ByteData get payloadBytes =>, size - headerSizeBytes);
void _writeHeader() {
_vmo.writeInt64(_offset, _header.value);
void _writePayloadBits() {
_vmo.writeInt64(_payloadOffset, _payloadBits.value);
void _writeAllBits() {
void _writePayloadBytes(ByteData bytes) {
_vmo.write(_payloadOffset, bytes);
/// Initializes (the one and only) [BlockType.header] block.
void becomeHeader() {
..write(typeBits, BlockType.header.value)
..write(orderBits, 0)
..write(headerMagicBits, headerMagicNumber)
..write(headerVersionBits, headerVersionNumber);
_payloadBits.value = 0;
/// Start a VMO update.
/// Only valid for the [BlockType.header] block; otherwise throws
/// [StateError].
void lock() {
_vmo.writeInt64Direct(_payloadOffset, _payloadBits.value);
/// Finish a VMO update.
/// Only valid for the [BlockType.header] block; otherwise throws
/// [StateError].
void unlock() {
_vmo.writeInt64Direct(_payloadOffset, _payloadBits.value);
/// Initializes the root [BlockType.nodeValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block wasn't [BlockType.reserved].
void becomeRoot() {
becomeValue(parentIndex: rootParentIndex, nameIndex: rootNameIndex);
_header.write(orderBits, 0);
/// Converts a [BlockType.anyValue] block to a [BlockType.nodeValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block wasn't [BlockType.anyValue].
void becomeNode() {
_header.write(typeBits, BlockType.nodeValue.value);
_payloadBits.value = 0;
/// Child count of [BlockType.nodeValue] or [BlockType.tombstone] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block isn't [BlockType.nodeValue]
/// or [BlockType.tombstone].
set childCount(int value) {
_payloadBits.value = value;
/// Child count of [BlockType.nodeValue] or [BlockType.tombstone] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block isn't [BlockType.nodeValue]
/// or [BlockType.tombstone].
int get childCount {
return _payloadBits.value;
/// Converts an anyValue block to a [BlockType.propertyValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block wasn't [BlockType.anyValue].
void becomeProperty() {
_header.write(typeBits, BlockType.propertyValue.value);
..write(propertyExtentIndexBits, 0)
..write(propertyTotalLengthBits, 0)
..write(propertyFlagsBits, 0);
/// Total Length field of a [BlockType.propertyValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block isn't [BlockType.propertyValue].
int get propertyTotalLength {
/// Total Length field of a [BlockType.propertyValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block isn't [BlockType.propertyValue].
set propertyTotalLength(int length) {
_payloadBits.write(propertyTotalLengthBits, length);
/// Extent Index field of a [BlockType.propertyValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block isn't [BlockType.propertyValue].
int get propertyExtentIndex {
/// Extent Index field of a [BlockType.propertyValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block isn't [BlockType.propertyValue].
set propertyExtentIndex(int index) {
_payloadBits.write(propertyExtentIndexBits, index);
/// Flags field of a [BlockType.propertyValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block isn't [BlockType.propertyValue].
int get propertyFlags {
/// Flags field of a [BlockType.propertyValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block isn't [BlockType.propertyValue].
set propertyFlags(int flags) {
_payloadBits.write(propertyFlagsBits, flags);
/// Converts a [BlockType.nodeValue] block to a [BlockType.tombstone] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block wasn't [BlockType.nodeValue].
void becomeTombstone() {
_header.write(typeBits, BlockType.tombstone.value);
/// Makes any block [].
void becomeFree(int next) {
var orderValue =;
..value = 0
..write(orderBits, orderValue)
..write(nextFreeBits, next);
/// Converts a [] to a [BlockType.reserved] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if this block wasn't [BlockType.nodeValue].
void becomeReserved() {
_header.write(typeBits, BlockType.reserved.value);
/// Index of next-free-block.
/// Throws [StateError] if block isn't [].
int get nextFree {
return; //;
/// Initializes a value-holding block as [BlockType.anyValue].
/// Does not write it, because [BlockType.anyValue] is not part of VMO format.
/// This is a helper function called prior to [becomeNode()],
/// [becomeProperty()], and [becomeMetric()].
/// Throws [StateError] if block wasn't [BlockType.reserved].
void becomeValue({@required int nameIndex, @required int parentIndex}) {
..write(typeBits, BlockType.anyValue.value)
..write(parentIndexBits, parentIndex)
..write(nameIndexBits, nameIndex);
/// The index of the [] block of a *_VALUE block.
/// Throws [StateError] if block isn't a value-holding block.
int get nameIndex {
/// The index of the parent [BlockType.nodeValue] block of a *_VALUE block.
/// Throws [StateError] if block isn't a value-holding block.
int get parentIndex {
/// Converts a [BlockType.anyValue] block to a [BlockType.doubleValue] block,
/// and sets starting [value].
/// Throws [StateError] if block wasn't a [BlockType.anyValue] block.
void becomeDoubleMetric(double value) {
_header.write(typeBits, BlockType.doubleValue.value);
_payloadBits.value = _doubleBitsToInt(value);
/// Converts a [BlockType.anyValue] block to a [BlockType.intValue] block,
/// and sets starting [value].
/// Throws [StateError] if block wasn't a [BlockType.anyValue] block.
void becomeIntMetric(int value) {
_header.write(typeBits, BlockType.intValue.value);
_payloadBits.value = value;
/// Value payload stored in a [BlockType.intValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if block isn't a [BlockType.intValue] block.
int get intValue {
return _payloadBits.value;
/// Writes int value payload to a [BlockType.intValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if block isn't a [BlockType.intValue] block.
set intValue(int value) {
_payloadBits.value = value;
/// Value payload stored in a [BlockType.doubleValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if block isn't a [BlockType.doubleValue] block.
double get doubleValue {
return _intBitsToDouble(_payloadBits.value);
/// Write double value payload to a [BlockType.doubleValue] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if block isn't a [BlockType.doubleValue] block.
set doubleValue(double value) {
_payloadBits.value = _doubleBitsToInt(value);
/// Initializes a [] block.
/// Throws [StateError] if block wasn't a [BlockType.reserved] block.
void becomeName(String name) {
var stringBytes = toByteData(name, maxBytes: payloadSpaceBytes);
..write(typeBits, BlockType.nameUtf8.value)
..write(nameLengthBits, stringBytes.lengthInBytes);
/// Gets the utf8 name from a NAME block
ByteData get nameUtf8 {
return ByteData.view(payloadBytes.buffer, payloadBytes.offsetInBytes,;
/// Adds a [BlockType.reserved] block to the head of a [BlockType.extent]
/// chain.
/// Throws [StateError] if block wasn't a [BlockType.reserved] block.
void becomeExtent(int nextExtent) {
..write(typeBits, BlockType.extent.value)
..write(nextExtentBits, nextExtent);
/// Writes the [BlockType.extent]'s data.
/// Throws [StateError] if block isn't a [BlockType.extent] block.
void setExtentPayload(ByteData data) {
/// The next [Block] in a [BlockType.extent] chain.
/// Throws [StateError] if block isn't a [BlockType.extent] block.
int get nextExtent {
/// The number of bytes available for payload in this [BlockType.extent]
/// [Block].
int get payloadSpaceBytes {
return size - headerSizeBytes;
/// The VMO-format-defined type of this [Block].
BlockType get type => BlockType.values[];
/// Size of the [Block] in bytes.
int get size => 1 << ( + 4);
/// Verifies this [Block] has the expected type; throws [StateError] if not.
void _checkType(BlockType blockType) {
if (type != blockType) {
throw StateError('Incorrect block type: '
'expected $blockType, but found $type.');
/// Throws [StateError] if [type] is not [BlockType.nodeValue] or
/// [BlockType.tombstone].
void _checkNodeOrTombstone() {
if (type != BlockType.nodeValue && type != BlockType.tombstone) {
throw StateError('Incorrect block type: '
'expected node or tombstone, but found $type.');
/// Throws [StateError] if [type] is not a *_VALUE block, i.e.
/// [BlockType.nodeValue], [BlockType.anyValue], [BlockType.intValue],
/// [BlockType.doubleValue], or [BlockType.propertyValue].
void _checkIsValue() {
if (type != BlockType.anyValue &&
type != BlockType.nodeValue &&
type != BlockType.propertyValue &&
type != BlockType.intValue &&
type != BlockType.doubleValue) {
throw StateError('Value block expected; this block is $type.');
/// This block (verified elsewhere to be the HEADER) "locks" the VMO during
/// updates: if the payload value is odd, the VMO contents are in flux,
/// and readers should retry.
void _checkLocked(bool locked) {
if ((_payloadBits.value & 1 == 1) != locked) {
throw StateError('Lock state error; expected locked = $locked.');
/// Converts 64 [bits] (supplied as int) to the [double] they really are.
double _intBitsToDouble(int bits) {
var scratchpad = ByteData(8)..setInt64(0, bits);
return scratchpad.getFloat64(0);
/// Converts a [double] [value] to its 64-bit contents returned as [int].
int _doubleBitsToInt(double value) {
var scratchpad = ByteData(8)..setFloat64(0, value);
return scratchpad.getInt64(0);
/// The byte offset of this [Block] in the VMO (calculated from its [index]).
int get _offset => index * bytesPerIndex;
/// The byte offset of this [Block]'s payload in the VMO.
int get _payloadOffset => _offset + headerSizeBytes;