Updating Flutter

Flutter and many of its dependencies are pinned in Fuchsia. This file contains instructions for updating Fuchsia‘s version of Flutter and its dependencies (including the Dart SDK). The full procedure is often not required to build a stable system. However, following these instructions will result in a version of Flutter and its dependencies in Fuchsia that has been built and tested by the Flutter and Dart teams’ CI.

The Flutter “Triforce”

Updating Fuchsia's version of Flutter requires updating its dependencies. There are three main components:

  1. The Flutter framework
  2. The Flutter engine
  3. The Dart VM

Updating Dart in the engine

Ocassionally, it is necessary to first update the version of the Dart VM used by the Flutter engine outside of Fuchsia. Instructions for updating the Dart VM in the Flutter engine are here.

Updating the engine in the framework

Updating the version of the Flutter engine used by the Flutter framework outside of Fuchsia is sometimes needed to trigger Flutter's CI on a more recent version of the Flutter engine. Instructions for updating the Flutter engine in the Flutter framework are here.

Updating the Flutter “Triforce” in Fuchsia

To roll Flutter forward:

  1. Checkout a new topaz branch:

    $ git checkout -b roll-flutter-triforce origin/master
  2. Take the Flutter framework from top-of-tree, and write its hash into the flutter manifest file in this directory.

  3. Choose the version of the Flutter engine that that version of the Flutter framework names under //bin/internal/engine.version and write its hash into the flutter manifest file in this directory.

  4. Choose the version of the Dart VM that that version of the Flutter engine names in its DEPS file as dart_revision, and write its hash into the dart manifest file in this directory.

  5. Choose the version of Tonic that the Flutter engine version names in its DEPS file as src/third_party/tonic, and write its hash into the third_party manifest file in this directory.

  6. Update DEFAULT_DART_VERSION in //topaz/tools/download_dev_sdk.py to the current Dart SDK dev version.

  7. Commit the manifest updates:

    $ git commit -a -m "[flutter] Roll the Flutter triforce forward"
  8. Run the command:

    $ jiri update -gc --local-manifest=true

    This will run a hook that verifies the prebuilts are ready for all host platforms and downloads the prebuilt for the current host platform. If this fails, check on Fuchsia‘s prebuilt Dart builder bots. If they’re still running for your chosen revision, wait for them to finish and then try again later. If all else fails, ask fuchsia-toolchain@ for help.

Updating Dart packages

First, update the Dart packages needed to build the Dart SDK:

  1. Run the commands:
    $ cd third_party/dart
    $ ./tools/create_pkg_manifest.py -d DEPS -o ../../topaz/manifest/dart_third_party_pkg
    $ ./tools/create_pkg_manifest.py -d DEPS -o ../../topaz/manifest/dart_third_party_pkg_head
    $ cd ../../topaz
    $ git commit -a --amend
    $ cd ..
  2. Run the command:
    $ jiri update -gc --local-manifest=true

Second, update the Dart packages needed by the Flutter framework:

  1. Run the command:
    $ ./scripts/dart/update_3p_packages.py
    Dart's pub tool will run and update the Dart package sources under //third_party/dart-pkg/pub
  2. Create a branch with the package updates:
    $ cd third_party/dart-pkg/pub
    $ git checkout -b update-3p-pkg origin/master
    $ git commit -a -m "[dart] Update third_party packages"

Build Fuchsia and test

Build and test the debug build:

$ fx set x86 --goma && fx full-build && fx reboot && fx boot -1

Build and test the release build:

$ fx set x86 --goma --release && fx full-build && fx reboot && fx boot -1

To test the builds:

  1. Check that the system boots into the login shell
  2. Check that the user shell starts after logging in
  3. Check that the build dashboard app starts and displays the build status.

If any of these checks fails, do not continue with the roll. Stop and investigate.

Create Roll CLs

Create a CL for updating //third_party/dart-pkg/pub

$ cd third_party/dart-pkg/pub
$ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

Land this CL first. Once it has landed, record the commit hash of the newly landed commit, and update the third_party/dart-pkg project in the //topaz/manifest/dart manifest file to point to the new commit hash.

Once you've made that update, create and land a CL for updating the topaz manifests:

$ cd topaz
$ git commit -a --amend --no-edit
$ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

Breaking changes

If a change to a layer below Topaz will break the Dart VM or the Flutter engine, if at all possible land the updates the the Dart VM and/or the Flutter engine first. Then, land the breaking changes in the lower layers. This will block the auto-rollers. Unblock the auto-rollers by landing a manual roll of the lower layers along with the CL that udpates the Flutter triforce in the Topaz layer.