[manifest] Roll skia cf8608558..29a85bb23 (5 commits)


2018-10-31 mtklein@google.com implement SkPixmap::erase() as a draw
2018-10-31 skia-autoroll@skia-public.iam.gserviceaccount.com Roll third_party/externals/angle2 d60e42f8e79e..580baf379673 (3 commits)
2018-10-31 scroggo@google.com Treat start(Incremental/Scanline)Decode errors as failures
2018-10-31 mtklein@google.com try removing SkDraw::drawPaint() fast-path
2018-10-31 herb@google.com Refactor to create the blitter in the PaintAllMasks

The AutoRoll server is located here: https://autoroll.skia.org/r/fuchsia-autoroll

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff, who should
be CC'd on the roll, and stop the roller if necessary.


Change-Id: I9f96833f61d0e77b437b8d4d910287f15f4d2ab9
1 file changed