blob: 9908494f1b1e7e6ae805740c26f89aa8e5d427a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' show Platform;
const int _kAndroidMetaStateNormal = 0;
const int _kAndroidMetaStateLeftShiftDown = 65;
const int _kAndroidMetaStateRightShiftDown = 129;
// ignore: unused_element
const int _kAndroidMetaStateAltDown = 18;
// ignore: unused_element
const int _kAndroidMetaStateCtrlDown = 12288;
const Map<int, String> _kAndroidKeyCodeMap = const <int, String>{
7: '0',
8: '1',
9: '2',
10: '3',
11: '4',
12: '5',
13: '6',
14: '7',
15: '8',
16: '9',
29: 'a',
30: 'b',
31: 'c',
32: 'd',
33: 'e',
34: 'f',
35: 'g',
36: 'h',
37: 'i',
38: 'j',
39: 'k',
40: 'l',
41: 'm',
42: 'n',
43: 'o',
44: 'p',
45: 'q',
46: 'r',
47: 's',
48: 't',
49: 'u',
50: 'v',
51: 'w',
52: 'x',
53: 'y',
54: 'z',
55: ',',
56: '.',
62: ' ',
69: '-',
70: '=',
74: ';',
75: '\'',
76: '/'
const Map<int, String> _kAndroidShiftedKeyCodeMap = const <int, String>{
7: ')',
8: '!',
9: '@',
10: '#',
11: '\$',
12: '%',
13: '^',
14: '&',
15: '*',
16: '(',
29: 'A',
30: 'B',
31: 'C',
32: 'D',
33: 'E',
34: 'F',
35: 'G',
36: 'H',
37: 'I',
38: 'J',
39: 'K',
40: 'L',
41: 'M',
42: 'N',
43: 'O',
44: 'P',
45: 'Q',
46: 'R',
47: 'S',
48: 'T',
49: 'U',
50: 'V',
51: 'W',
52: 'X',
53: 'Y',
54: 'Z',
55: '<',
56: '>',
62: ' ',
69: '_',
70: '+',
74: ':',
75: '"',
76: '?'
const int _kAndroidKeyCodeEnter = 66;
const int _kAndroidKeyCodeBackspace = 67;
const int _kLinuxMetaStateNormal = 0;
const int _kLinuxMetaStateLeftShiftDown = 1;
const int _kLinuxMetaStateRightShiftDown = 1;
// ignore: unused_element
const int _kLinuxMetaStateAltDown = 2;
// ignore: unused_element
const int _kLinuxMetaStateCtrlDown = 4096;
const Map<int, String> _kLinuxKeyCodeMap = const <int, String>{
48: '0',
49: '1',
50: '2',
51: '3',
52: '4',
53: '5',
54: '6',
55: '7',
56: '8',
57: '9',
65: 'a',
66: 'b',
67: 'c',
68: 'd',
69: 'e',
70: 'f',
71: 'g',
72: 'h',
73: 'i',
74: 'j',
75: 'k',
76: 'l',
77: 'm',
78: 'n',
79: 'o',
80: 'p',
81: 'q',
82: 'r',
83: 's',
84: 't',
85: 'u',
86: 'v',
87: 'w',
88: 'x',
89: 'y',
90: 'z',
188: ',',
190: '.',
32: ' ',
189: '-',
187: '=',
186: ';',
222: '\'',
191: '/'
const Map<int, String> _kLinuxShiftedKeyCodeMap = const <int, String>{
48: ')',
49: '!',
50: '@',
51: '#',
52: '\$',
53: '%',
54: '^',
55: '&',
56: '*',
57: '(',
65: 'A',
66: 'B',
67: 'C',
68: 'D',
69: 'E',
70: 'F',
71: 'G',
72: 'H',
73: 'I',
74: 'J',
75: 'K',
76: 'L',
77: 'M',
78: 'N',
79: 'O',
80: 'P',
81: 'Q',
82: 'R',
83: 'S',
84: 'T',
85: 'U',
86: 'V',
87: 'W',
88: 'X',
89: 'Y',
90: 'Z',
188: '<',
190: '>',
32: ' ',
189: '_',
187: '+',
186: ':',
222: '"',
191: '?'
const int _kLinuxKeyCodeEnter = 13;
const int _kLinuxKeyCodeBackspace = 8;
/// The keycode for backspace on the current platform.
int get keyCodeBackspace =>
Platform.isAndroid ? _kAndroidKeyCodeBackspace : _kLinuxKeyCodeBackspace;
/// The keycode for enter on the current platform.
int get keyCodeEnter =>
Platform.isAndroid ? _kAndroidKeyCodeEnter : _kLinuxKeyCodeEnter;
/// The metastate indicating no modifications apply to the keycode on the
/// current platform.
int get metaStateNormal =>
Platform.isAndroid ? _kAndroidMetaStateNormal : _kLinuxMetaStateNormal;
/// The metastate indicating the left shift is down on the current platform.
int get metaStateLeftShiftDown => Platform.isAndroid
? _kAndroidMetaStateLeftShiftDown
: _kLinuxMetaStateLeftShiftDown;
/// The metastate indicating the right shift is down on the current platform.
int get metaStateRightShiftDown => Platform.isAndroid
? _kAndroidMetaStateRightShiftDown
: _kLinuxMetaStateRightShiftDown;
/// Maps keycodes to text on the current platform.
Map<int, String> get keyCodeMap =>
Platform.isAndroid ? _kAndroidKeyCodeMap : _kLinuxKeyCodeMap;
/// Maps shifted keycodes to text on the current platform.
Map<int, String> get shiftedKeyCodeMap =>
Platform.isAndroid ? _kAndroidShiftedKeyCodeMap : _kLinuxShiftedKeyCodeMap;