tree: 2bc153d28551cb852415002479b54a7b3c1d0384 [path history] [tgz]
  1. lib/
  2. meta/
  3. analysis_options.yaml
  4. basic_benchmarks.tspec
  6. pubspec.yaml

Dart inspect benchmarks

This directory contains the code to the inspect benchmarks, written in dart.

Modifying the .tspec file

The basic_benchmarks.tspec file contains the definition of the benchmark tests. When adding a new benchmark, one needs to change this file to ensure that the results are used in any analysis frameworks.

Please do not change the output_test_name for existing tests if you can help it, since that is the identifier used to match up previous test results to current ones.

The duration parameter in the .tspec file is the amount of time, expressed in seconds, that the benchmark should run for. The benchmark will stop early if the duration expires before the benchmark code completed execution.

Helpful scripts

Here are a few helpful scripts that show how one can automate running the dart inspect benchmarks, starting from a setup where you have a device that supports UI tests.

First script is

#! /bin/bash
set -x
set -euo pipefail


fx \
  --dir out/release \
  set "${PRODUCT}" \
  --release \
  --variant clang \
  --with-base="$(echo ${BASE_PACKAGES[@]} | sed -e 's/ /,/g')" \
  --with="$(echo ${PACKAGES[@]} | sed -e 's/ /,/g')"
time fx build
fx compdb && perl -pi -e 's|/[/\w]+/gomacc ||' compile_commands.json

Second script is fx.perf:

#! /bin/bash
set -euox pipefail
fx build-push topaz_benchmarks vulkan_is_supported topaz_input_latency_benchmarks dart_inspect_benchmarks
  /pkgfs/packages/topaz_benchmarks/0/bin/ /tmp
  --bots topaz-x64-perf-dawson_canyon
  --masters fuchsia.try
  --execution-timestamp-ms 1534438419097
  --log-url https://fake_url
fx shell "${CMD[@]}"

To set and build everything one can then do:

$ ./

Once done with setting and building, which may take a while if done for the first time, you can run the performance benchmarks like this:

$ ./fx.perf