blob: 5e06dd4e11b700511cf2f297925489a1848376e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
import { MicrodataExtractor } from "./microdata";
import { JsonLdExtractor } from "./jsonld";
import { Entity, EntityExtractor } from "./entity";
class SchemaOrgEntityExtractor implements EntityExtractor {
* List of {EntityExtractor} instances.
private readonly extractors = [
new MicrodataExtractor(), new JsonLdExtractor(),
* Map of {EntityExtractor} instances to up to date arrays of extracted entities.
* If an EntityExtractor is missing calling extract() will fill it in.
private readonly entityCache = new Map<EntityExtractor, Array<Entity>>();
* A {MutationObserver} that watches for changes related to markup.
private readonly observer = new MutationObserver((records) => {
if (this.entitiesChanged(records)) {
constructor() {, {
childList: true,
attributes: true,
subtree: true,
characterData: true,
attributeOldValue: true,
* Calls inner {EntityExtractor}s to fill the entityCache as required.
* @param document The document to extract from.
public extract(document: HTMLDocument): Entity[] {
for (const x of this.extractors) {
if (!this.entityCache.has(x)) {
this.entityCache.set(x, x.extract(document));
let entities = new Array<Entity>();
this.entityCache.forEach(ents => entities.push(...ents));
return entities;
* Calls inner {EntityExtractor}s and clear the entityCache if any indicate
* that their entities have changed.
* @param records records of document mutations.
public entitiesChanged(records: MutationRecord[]): boolean {
let changed = false;
for (const x of this.extractors) {
if (x.entitiesChanged(records)) {
changed = true;
// Clear the cache entry for this extractor.
return changed;
* Update the fuchsia:entities field on the document and dispatch a
* fuchsia-entities-changed {Event}.
private updateEntities() {
(document as any)['fuchsia:entities'] = this.extract(document);
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fuchsia-entities-changed'));
const extractor = new SchemaOrgEntityExtractor();