Entity Extraction Script

This is the set of scripts used to extract entities from web pages. They are injected into web pages loaded by the web view and extract semantic information that can be used to launch modules related to the web content. They currently understand JSON-LD and Microdata markup.


Once injected the scripts will not expose any JS objects other than a property fuchsia:entities on the Document. This contains an array of JSON-LD objects for each entity found on the page. Entities in Microdata markup are converted to JSON-LD.

The scripts register for DOM Mutation events so that the page can be re-analyzed as entities are added and removed. When the entities have changed the fuchsia:entities array will be updated and a CustomEvent named fuchsia-entities-changed will be dispatched on the Document.

The web view listens for fuchsia-entities-changed and then requests the fuchsia:entities document property.


The entity extraction scripts are written in Typescript. It is bundled for use with Webpack.


The prebuilt script will always be in dist/bundle.js. To rebuild run:

npm install
npm run build