blob: 6fcad6010bd96cfed74eedcf316c3519c6aa17b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/inspect.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/inspect/internal/_inspect_impl.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo/util.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo/vmo_holder.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo/vmo_writer.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_services/services.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../util.dart';
void main() {
VmoHolder vmo;
Node node;
setUp(() {
var context = StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
vmo = FakeVmo(512);
var writer = VmoWriter(vmo);
Inspect inspect = InspectImpl(context, writer);
node = inspect.root;
group('String values', () {
test('are written to the VMO when the value is set', () {
var value = node.stringValue('color')..setValue('fuchsia');
expect(readProperty(vmo, value.index),
test('can be mutated', () {
var value = node.stringValue('breakfast')..setValue('pancakes');
expect(readProperty(vmo, value.index),
expect(readProperty(vmo, value.index),
test('can be deleted', () {
var value = node.stringValue('scallops');
var index = value.index;
expect(() => readProperty(vmo, index),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted property');
test('setting a value on an already deleted value is a no-op', () {
var value = node.stringValue('paella');
var index = value.index;
expect(() => value.setValue('this will not set'), returnsNormally);
expect(() => readProperty(vmo, index),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted property');
test('removing an already deleted value is a no-op', () {
var value = node.stringValue('nothing-here')..delete();
expect(() => value.delete(), returnsNormally);
group('ByteData values', () {
test('are written to the VMO when the value is set', () {
var bytes = toByteData('fuchsia');
var value = node.byteDataValue('color')..setValue(bytes);
expect(readProperty(vmo, value.index), equalsByteData(bytes));
test('can be mutated', () {
var pancakes = toByteData('pancakes');
var value = node.byteDataValue('breakfast')..setValue(pancakes);
expect(readProperty(vmo, value.index), equalsByteData(pancakes));
var waffles = toByteData('waffles');
expect(readProperty(vmo, value.index), equalsByteData(waffles));
test('can be deleted', () {
var value = node.byteDataValue('scallops');
var index = value.index;
expect(() => readProperty(vmo, index),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted property');
test('setting a value on an already deleted value is a no-op', () {
var value = node.byteDataValue('paella');
var index = value.index;
var bytes = toByteData('this will not set');
expect(() => value.setValue(bytes), returnsNormally);
expect(() => readProperty(vmo, index),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted property');
test('removing an already deleted value is a no-op', () {
var value = node.byteDataValue('nothing-here')..delete();
expect(() => value.delete(), returnsNormally);
group('Property creation (byte-vector Values)', () {
test('StringValues created twice return the same object', () {
var childValue = node.stringValue('banana');
var childValue2 = node.stringValue('banana');
expect(childValue, isNotNull);
expect(childValue2, isNotNull);
expect(childValue, same(childValue2));
test('StringValues created after deletion return different objects', () {
var childValue = node.stringValue('banana')..delete();
var childValue2 = node.stringValue('banana');
expect(childValue, isNotNull);
expect(childValue2, isNotNull);
expect(childValue, isNot(equals(childValue2)));
test('ByteDataValues created twice return the same object', () {
var childValue = node.byteDataValue('banana');
var childValue2 = node.byteDataValue('banana');
expect(childValue, isNotNull);
expect(childValue2, isNotNull);
expect(childValue, same(childValue2));
test('ByteDataValues created after deletion return different objects', () {
var childValue = node.byteDataValue('banana')..delete();
var childValue2 = node.byteDataValue('banana');
expect(childValue, isNotNull);
expect(childValue2, isNotNull);
expect(childValue, isNot(equals(childValue2)));
test('Changing StringValue to ByteDataValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.byteDataValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('Changing StringValue to IntValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.intValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('Changing StringValue to DoubleValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.doubleValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('Changing ByteDataValue to StringValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.stringValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('Changing ByteDataValue to IntValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.intValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('Changing ByteDataValue to DoubleValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.doubleValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('If no space, creation gives a deleted StringValue', () {
var tinyVmo = FakeVmo(64);
var writer = VmoWriter(tinyVmo);
var context = StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
Inspect inspect = InspectImpl(context, writer);
var tinyRoot = inspect.root;
var missingValue = tinyRoot.stringValue('missing');
expect(() => missingValue.setValue('something'), returnsNormally);
expect(() => readProperty(vmo, missingValue.index),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted property');
test('If no space, creation gives a deleted ByteDataValue', () {
var tinyVmo = FakeVmo(64);
var writer = VmoWriter(tinyVmo);
var context = StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
Inspect inspect = InspectImpl(context, writer);
var tinyRoot = inspect.root;
var bytes = toByteData('this will not set');
var missingValue = tinyRoot.byteDataValue('missing');
expect(() => missingValue.setValue(bytes), returnsNormally);
expect(() => readProperty(vmo, missingValue.index),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted property');
group('Int Values', () {
test('are created with value 0', () {
var value = node.intValue('foo');
expect(readInt(vmo, value), isZero);
test('are written to the VMO when the value is set', () {
var value = node.intValue('eggs')..setValue(12);
expect(readInt(vmo, value), 12);
test('can be mutated', () {
var value = node.intValue('locusts')..setValue(10);
expect(readInt(vmo, value), 10);
expect(readInt(vmo, value), 1000);
test('can add arbitrary values', () {
var value = node.intValue('bagels')..setValue(13);
expect(readInt(vmo, value), 13);
expect(readInt(vmo, value), 26);
test('can subtract arbitrary values', () {
var value = node.intValue('bagels')..setValue(13);
expect(readInt(vmo, value), 13);
expect(readInt(vmo, value), 7);
test('can be deleted', () {
var value = node.intValue('sheep')..delete();
() => readInt(vmo, value), throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted value');
test('setting a value on an already deleted value is a no-op', () {
var value = node.intValue('webpages')..delete();
expect(() => value.setValue(404), returnsNormally);
() => readInt(vmo, value), throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted value');
test('removing an already deleted value is a no-op', () {
var value = node.intValue('nothing-here')..delete();
expect(() => value.delete(), returnsNormally);
group('DoubleValues', () {
test('are created with value 0', () {
var value = node.doubleValue('foo');
expect(readDouble(vmo, value), isZero);
test('are written to the VMO when the value is set', () {
var value = node.doubleValue('foo')..setValue(2.5);
expect(readDouble(vmo, value), 2.5);
test('can be mutated', () {
var value = node.doubleValue('bar')..setValue(3.0);
expect(readDouble(vmo, value), 3.0);
expect(readDouble(vmo, value), 3.5);
test('can add arbitrary values', () {
var value = node.doubleValue('cake')..setValue(1.5);
expect(readDouble(vmo, value), 1.5);
expect(readDouble(vmo, value), 3);
test('can subtract arbitrary values', () {
var value = node.doubleValue('cake')..setValue(5);
expect(readDouble(vmo, value), 5);
expect(readDouble(vmo, value), 4.5);
test('can be deleted', () {
var value = node.doubleValue('circumference')..delete();
expect(() => readDouble(vmo, value),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted value');
test('setting a value on an already deleted value is a no-op', () {
var value = node.doubleValue('pounds')..delete();
expect(() => value.setValue(50.6), returnsNormally);
expect(() => readDouble(vmo, value),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted value');
test('removing an already deleted value is a no-op', () {
var value = node.doubleValue('nothing-here')..delete();
expect(() => value.delete(), returnsNormally);
group('value creation', () {
test('IntValues created twice return the same object', () {
var childValue = node.intValue('banana');
var childValue2 = node.intValue('banana');
expect(childValue, isNotNull);
expect(childValue2, isNotNull);
expect(childValue, same(childValue2));
test('IntValues created after deletion return different objects', () {
var childValue = node.intValue('banana')..delete();
var childValue2 = node.intValue('banana');
expect(childValue, isNotNull);
expect(childValue2, isNotNull);
expect(childValue, isNot(equals(childValue2)));
test('DoubleValues created twice return the same object', () {
var childValue = node.doubleValue('banana');
var childValue2 = node.doubleValue('banana');
expect(childValue, isNotNull);
expect(childValue2, isNotNull);
expect(childValue, same(childValue2));
test('DoubleValues created after deletion return different objects', () {
var childValue = node.doubleValue('banana')..delete();
var childValue2 = node.doubleValue('banana');
expect(childValue, isNotNull);
expect(childValue2, isNotNull);
expect(childValue, isNot(equals(childValue2)));
test('Changing IntValue to DoubleValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.doubleValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('Changing IntValue to StringValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.stringValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('Changing IntValue to ByteDataValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.byteDataValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('Changing DoubleValue to IntValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.intValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('Changing DoubleValue to StringValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.stringValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('Changing DoubleValue to ByteDataValue throws', () {
expect(() => node.byteDataValue('banana'),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<InspectStateError>()));
test('If no space, creation gives a deleted IntValue', () {
var tinyVmo = FakeVmo(64);
var writer = VmoWriter(tinyVmo);
var context = StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
Inspect inspect = InspectImpl(context, writer);
var tinyRoot = inspect.root;
var missingValue = tinyRoot.intValue('missing');
expect(() => missingValue.setValue(1), returnsNormally);
expect(() => readInt(vmo, missingValue),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted property');
test('If no space, creation gives a deleted DoubleValue', () {
var tinyVmo = FakeVmo(64);
var writer = VmoWriter(tinyVmo);
var context = StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
Inspect inspect = InspectImpl(context, writer);
var tinyRoot = inspect.root;
var missingValue = tinyRoot.doubleValue('missing');
expect(() => missingValue.setValue(1.0), returnsNormally);
expect(() => readDouble(vmo, missingValue),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<StateError>()),
reason: 'cannot read VMO values from a deleted property');