blob: 42375d57254516820db93b819e31b7c5e2ae1c16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of 'inspect.dart';
/// A named node in the Inspect tree that can have [Node]s and
/// values under it.
class Node {
/// The VMO index of this node.
/// @nodoc
final int index;
/// The writer for the underlying VMO.
/// Will be set to null if the Node has been deleted or could not be
/// created in the VMO.
/// If so, all actions on this Node should be no-ops and not throw.
VmoWriter _writer;
final _values = <String, Value>{};
final _children = <String, Node>{};
/// Creates a [Node] with [name] under the [parentIndex].
/// Private as an implementation detail to code that understands VMO indices.
/// Client code that wishes to create [Node]s should use [child].
Node._(String name, int parentIndex, this._writer)
: index = _writer.createNode(parentIndex, name) {
if (index == invalidIndex) {
_writer = null;
/// Wraps the special root node.
Node._root(this._writer) : index = _writer.rootNode;
/// Creates a Node that never does anything.
/// These are returned when calling createChild on a deleted [Node].
: _writer = null,
index = invalidIndex;
bool get _isDeleted => _writer == null;
/// Returns a child [Node] with [name].
/// If a child with [name] already exists and was not deleted, this
/// method returns it. Otherwise, it creates a new [Node].
Node child(String name) {
if (_writer == null) {
return Node._deleted();
// TODO(cphoenix): Tell parents when deleted, instead of asking children.
// Asking children allows the map to grow without limit as children are
// created and deleted (e.g. ring buffer).
if (_children.containsKey(name) && !_children[name]._isDeleted) {
return _children[name];
return _children[name] = Node._(name, index, _writer);
/// Deletes this node and any children from underlying storage.
/// After a node has been deleted, all calls on it and its children have
/// no effect and do not result in an error. Calls on a deleted node that
/// return a Node or Value return an already-deleted object.
void delete() {
if (_writer == null) {
..forEach((_, value) => value.delete())
..forEach((_, node) => node.delete())
_writer = null;
/// Returns a [StringValue] with [name] on this node.
/// If a [StringValue] with [name] already exists and is not deleted,
/// this method returns it.
/// Otherwise, it creates a new value initialized to the empty string.
/// Throws [InspectStateError] if a non-deleted value with [name] already
/// exists but it is not a [StringValue].
StringValue stringValue(String name) {
if (_writer == null) {
return StringValue._deleted();
if (_values.containsKey(name) && !_values[name]._isDeleted) {
if (_values[name] is! StringValue) {
throw InspectStateError("Can't create StringValue named $name;"
' a different type exists.');
return _values[name];
return _values[name] = StringValue._(name, index, _writer);
/// Returns a [ByteDataValue] with [name] on this node.
/// If a [ByteDataValue] with [name] already exists and is not deleted,
/// this method returns it.
/// Otherwise, it creates a new value initialized to the empty
/// byte data container.
/// Throws [InspectStateError] if a non-deleted value with [name] already exists
/// but it is not a [ByteDataValue].
ByteDataValue byteDataValue(String name) {
if (_writer == null) {
return ByteDataValue._deleted();
if (_values.containsKey(name) && !_values[name]._isDeleted) {
if (_values[name] is! ByteDataValue) {
throw InspectStateError("Can't create ByteDataValue named $name;"
' a different type exists.');
return _values[name];
return _values[name] = ByteDataValue._(name, index, _writer);
/// Returns an [IntValue] with [name] on this node.
/// If an [IntValue] with [name] already exists and is not
/// deleted, this method returns it.
/// Otherwise, it creates a new value initialized to 0.
/// Throws [InspectStateError] if a non-deleted value with [name]
/// already exists but it is not an [IntValue].
IntValue intValue(String name) {
if (_writer == null) {
return IntValue._deleted();
if (_values.containsKey(name) && !_values[name]._isDeleted) {
if (_values[name] is! IntValue) {
throw InspectStateError(
"Can't create IntValue named $name; a different type exists.");
return _values[name];
return _values[name] = IntValue._(name, index, _writer);
/// Returns a [DoubleValue] with [name] on this node.
/// If a [DoubleValue] with [name] already exists and is not
/// deleted, this method returns it.
/// Otherwise, it creates a new value initialized to 0.0.
/// Throws [InspectStateError] if a non-deleted value with [name]
/// already exists but it is not a [DoubleValue].
DoubleValue doubleValue(String name) {
if (_writer == null) {
return DoubleValue._deleted();
if (_values.containsKey(name) && !_values[name]._isDeleted) {
if (_values[name] is! DoubleValue) {
throw InspectStateError("Can't create DoubleValue named $name;"
' a different type exists.');
return _values[name];
return _values[name] = DoubleValue._(name, index, _writer);
/// RootNode wraps the root node of the VMO.
/// The root node has special behavior: Delete is a NOP.
/// This class should be hidden from the public API.
/// @nodoc
class RootNode extends Node {
/// Creates a Node wrapping the root of the Inspect hierarchy.
RootNode(VmoWriter writer) : super._root(writer);
/// Deletes of the root are NOPs.
void delete() {}