tree: 61fe65454df3e700401a1b97b2444b1382ea9e9e [path history] [tgz]
  1. lib/
  2. meta/
  3. analysis_options.yaml
  5. pubspec.yaml

Inspect example

A simple module that demonstrates usage of the Dart Inspect API.

Running example app

Assumes you already have an existing Fuchsia checkout and have set-up your hardware.

  1. Run for workstation.

    fx set workstation.chromebook-x64 --with //bundles:kitchen_sink
  2. Do a fresh build.

    fx full-build
  3. Connect and turn on the desired device. Serve to hardware.

    fx serve
  4. (If this is your first time building the example app) You may need to run:

    fx ota

    in order to have access to iquery.

  5. (Once the UI comes up) Login as a Guest user.

    Click on the (+) icon and select “Guest”. This only needs to be done once on initial setup.

  6. Add the Inspect mod.

    fx shell sessionctl add_mod fuchsia-pkg://

    You should see the mod appear on the device.

  7. View iquery output. This saves a step of looking for the mod because we know the mod is “inspect_mod.cmx” and that its root Inspect object is named “root.inspect”.

    fx shell iquery --recursive `fx shell iquery --find /hub | grep inspect_mod.cmx | grep root.inspect`

Local development

Each time you make local Dart changes and want to see the changes, you'll want to rebuild and re-add the inspect mod. This can be done in one command.

fx build &&
fx shell sessionctl restart_session &&
fx shell sessionctl add_mod fuchsia-pkg://

Restarting the session is unnecessary, but it tends to be easier than manually closing the old mod in the UI before adding a new one (to avoid cluttering the device with multiple mods during development).