blob: 91a84f01a468e661f3935af4b545f78fec614eb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class Link<P> {
final Uri uri;
final P payload;
Link(this.uri, this.payload);
String toString() => uri.toString();
typedef OnElementVerified<P> = void Function(Link<P> link, bool isValid);
Future<Null> verifyLinks<P>(
List<Link<P>> links, OnElementVerified<P> callback) async {
final Map<String, List<Link<P>>> urisByDomain = {};
// Group URLs by domain in order to handle "too many requests" error on a
// per-domain basis.
for (Link<P> link in links) {
urisByDomain.putIfAbsent(link.uri.authority, () => []).add(link);
await Future.wait( domain) =>
return null;
class _LinkVerifier<P> {
final List<Link<P>> links;
Future<Null> verify(OnElementVerified<P> callback) async {
for (Link<P> link in links) {
callback(link, await _verifyLink(link));
return null;
Future<bool> _verifyLink(Link<P> link) async {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
final http.Response response = await http.get(link.uri, headers: {
final int code = response.statusCode;
if (code == HttpStatus.tooManyRequests) {
final int delay =
int.tryParse(response.headers['retry-after'] ?? '') ?? 50;
sleep(Duration(milliseconds: delay));
// Http client doesn't automatically follow 308 (Permanent Redirect).
if (code == HttpStatus.permanentRedirect) {
if (response.headers.containsKey('location')) {
Uri redirectUri = Uri.parse(link.uri.origin + response.headers['location']);
return _verifyLink(Link<P>(redirectUri, link.payload));
return false;
return code == HttpStatus.ok;
} on IOException {
// Properly return an invalid link below instead of crashing.
return false;