blob: 5aa85c17d21a11497f7f6afadc1232562ee76630 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:lib.mediaplayer.dart/audio_player_controller.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
/// Notifier for animating widgets that reflect player progress. This class
/// can be used with |AnimatedBuilder| to create widgets that animate based on
/// the progress of an |AudioPlayerController| or |MediaPlayerController|.
/// Builders should call either |withResolution| or |withExcursion|, typically
/// when setting |AnimatedBuilder.animation|. Builders that call those methods
/// should run when the controller updates. This is because |ProgressNotifier|
/// doesn't allow for transitions such as play/pause or seeking. It needs the
/// one of the 'with' methods to be called when those transitions occur.
class ProgressNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
AudioPlayerController _controller;
Duration _resolution;
Timer _timer;
bool _disposed = false;
/// Constructs a |ProgressNotifier|.
ProgressNotifier(this._controller) : assert(_controller != null);
void dispose() {
_disposed = true;
_controller = null;
_timer = null;
/// Registers a one-time progress callback with the controller.
void _register() {
if (!_controller.playing) {
_timer = null;
// TODO(dalesat): Take the rate into account once we support that.
int resolutionMicroseconds = _resolution.inMicroseconds;
int delayMicroseconds = resolutionMicroseconds -
(_controller.progress.inMicroseconds % resolutionMicroseconds);
_timer = Timer(Duration(microseconds: delayMicroseconds), () {
_timer = null;
if (_disposed || !_controller.playing) {
/// Sets the resolution and returns this |ProgressNotifier|. This method
/// should be called in a builder that runs when the controller notifies of
/// a state change.
// ignore: avoid_returning_this
ProgressNotifier withResolution(Duration resolution) {
if (_disposed) {
return this;
if (_timer == null || _resolution != resolution) {
_resolution = resolution;
return this;
/// Sets the excursion and returns this |ProgressNotifier|. This method
/// should be called in a builder that runs when the controller notifies of
/// a state change. This method is useful for sliders where |excursion| is
/// the distance the slider moves. Use |LayoutBuilder| to get the width of
/// the slider.
ProgressNotifier withExcursion(double excursion, BuildContext context) {
double effectiveExcursion =
excursion * MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio;
return withResolution(Duration(
(_controller.duration.inMicroseconds / effectiveExcursion).ceil()));