blob: ae541fc49f8f090c8ee532b23900362d9d1a489f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_media_playback/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_net_oldhttp/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_sys/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_math/fidl.dart' as geom;
import '';
import 'package:lib.mediaplayer.dart/timeline.dart' as tl;
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';
/// Type for |AudioPlayerController| update callbacks.
typedef UpdateCallback = void Function();
/// Controller for audio-only playback.
class AudioPlayerController {
ServiceProvider _services;
PlayerProxy _player;
bool _active = false;
bool _loading = false;
bool _playing = false;
bool _ended = false;
bool _hasVideo = false;
tl.TimelineFunction _timelineFunction;
Problem _problem;
Map<String, String> _metadata;
bool _progressBarReady = false;
int _progressBarMicrosecondsSinceEpoch;
int _progressBarReferenceTime;
int _durationNanoseconds;
double _deferredNormalizedSeek;
/// Constructs a AudioPlayerController.
AudioPlayerController(ServiceProvider services) {
_services = services;
_close(); // Initialize stuff.
/// Called when properties have changed.
UpdateCallback updateCallback;
/// Opens a URI for playback. Only HTTP and FILE URIs are allowed. |headers|
/// must only be supplied for HTTP/S URIs. Supplied headers will be added to
/// every HTTP/S request issued to the URI.
void open(Uri uri, {HttpHeaders headers}) {
if (uri == null) {
throw ArgumentError.notNull('uri');
if (uri.isScheme('FILE')) {
if (headers != null) {
throw ArgumentError.value(headers,
'headers', 'Not valid for FILE URIs.');
} else if (!uri.isScheme('HTTP') && !uri.isScheme('HTTPS')) {
throw ArgumentError.value(uri,
'uri', 'Only HTTP/S and FILE protocols are supported.');
if (_active) {
_setSource(uri, headers);
_ended = false;
_hasVideo = false;
_timelineFunction = null;
_loading = true;
_durationNanoseconds = 0;
_deferredNormalizedSeek = null;
} else {
_active = true;
_createLocalPlayer(uri, headers);
if (updateCallback != null) {
scheduleMicrotask(() {
/// Closes this controller, undoing a previous |open| call. Does nothing if
/// the controller is already closed.
void close() {
if (updateCallback != null) {
scheduleMicrotask(() {
/// Internal version of |close|.
void _close() {
_active = false;
if (_player != null) {
_player.ctrl.onConnectionError = null;
_player = PlayerProxy();
_playing = false;
_ended = false;
_loading = true;
_hasVideo = false;
_problem = null;
_metadata = null;
_progressBarReady = false;
_durationNanoseconds = 0;
_deferredNormalizedSeek = null;
/// Creates a local player.
void _createLocalPlayer(Uri uri, HttpHeaders headers) {
connectToService(_services, _player.ctrl);
_player.onStatusChanged = _handleStatusChanged;
_player.ctrl.onConnectionError = _handleConnectionError;
_setSource(uri, headers);
// Sets the source uri on the media player.
void _setSource(Uri uri, HttpHeaders headers) {
if (uri.isScheme('FILE')) {
} else {
_player.setHttpSource(uri.toString(), _convertHeaders(headers));
List<HttpHeader> _convertHeaders(HttpHeaders headers) {
List<HttpHeader> result = [];
if (headers != null) {
headers.forEach((name, values) {
for (String value in values) {
HttpHeader header = HttpHeader(name: name, value: value);
return result;
/// Indicates whether the player open or connected (as opposed to closed).
bool get openOrConnected => _active;
/// Indicates whether the player is in the process of loading content.
/// A transition to false signals that the content is viable and has a
/// duration. Metadata may arrive before or after loading transitions to
/// false.
bool get loading => _loading;
/// Indicates whether the content has a video stream.
bool get hasVideo => _hasVideo;
/// Indicates whether the player is currently playing.
bool get playing => _playing;
/// Indicates whether the player is at end-of-stream.
bool get ended => _ended;
/// Gets the current problem, if there is one. If this value is non-null,
/// some issue is preventing playback, and this value describes what that
/// issue is.
Problem get problem => _problem;
/// Gets the current content metadata, if any.
Map<String, String> get metadata => _metadata;
/// Gets the duration of the content.
Duration get duration =>
Duration(microseconds: _durationNanoseconds ~/ 1000);
/// Gets current playback progress.
Duration get progress {
if (!_progressBarReady) {
return Duration(
_progressNanoseconds.clamp(0, _durationNanoseconds) ~/ 1000);
/// Gets current playback progress normalized to the range 0.0 to 1.0.
double get normalizedProgress {
int durationInMicroseconds = duration.inMicroseconds;
if (durationInMicroseconds == 0) {
return 0.0;
return progress.inMicroseconds / durationInMicroseconds;
/// Gets current playback progress in nanoseconds.
int get _progressNanoseconds {
// Estimate FrameInfo::presentationTime.
if (_timelineFunction == null) {
return 0;
int microseconds = ( -
int referenceNanoseconds = microseconds * 1000 + _progressBarReferenceTime;
return _timelineFunction(referenceNanoseconds);
/// Starts or resumes playback.
void play() {
if (!_active || _playing) {
if (_ended) {;
/// Pauses playback.
void pause() {
if (!_active || !_playing) {
/// Seeks to a position expressed as a Duration.
void seek(Duration position) {
if (!_active) {
int positionNanoseconds = (position.inMicroseconds * 1000).round();;
/// Seeks to a position expressed as a normalized value in the range 0.0 to
/// 1.0.
void normalizedSeek(double normalizedPosition) {
int durationInMicroseconds = duration.inMicroseconds;
if (durationInMicroseconds == 0) {
_deferredNormalizedSeek = normalizedPosition;
microseconds: (normalizedPosition * durationInMicroseconds).round()));
// Overridden by subclasses to get access to the local player.
void onMediaPlayerCreated(PlayerProxy player) {}
void onVideoGeometryUpdated(
geom.Size videoSize, geom.Size pixelAspectRatio) {}
// Handles a status update from the player.
void _handleStatusChanged(PlayerStatus status) {
if (!_active) {
// When the timeline function changes, its reference time is likely to
// correspond to system time, so we take the opportunity to calibrate
// the progress bar.
bool prepare = false;
if (status.timelineFunction != null) {
tl.TimelineFunction oldTimelineFunction = _timelineFunction;
_timelineFunction =
prepare = oldTimelineFunction != _timelineFunction;
_hasVideo = status.hasVideo;
_ended = status.endOfStream;
_playing = !ended &&
_timelineFunction != null &&
_timelineFunction.subjectDelta != 0;
_problem = status.problem;
if (status.metadata != null) {
_metadata = Map.fromIterable(,
key: (property) => property.label,
value: (property) => property.value);
} else {
_metadata = null;
_durationNanoseconds = status.duration;
if (status.duration != 0) {
_loading = false;
if (_deferredNormalizedSeek != null) {
_deferredNormalizedSeek = null;
if (_progressBarReady && _progressNanoseconds < 0) {
// We thought the progress bar was ready, but we're getting negative
// progress values. That means our assumption about reference time
// correlation is probably wrong. We need to prepare the progress bar
// again. See the comment in |_prepareProgressBar|.
// TODO(dalesat): Remove once we're given access to presentation time.
_progressBarReady = false;
if (_timelineFunction != null &&
_timelineFunction.referenceTime != 0 &&
(!_progressBarReady || prepare)) {
if (status.videoSize != null && status.pixelAspectRatio != null) {
onVideoGeometryUpdated(status.videoSize, status.pixelAspectRatio);
if (updateCallback != null) {
scheduleMicrotask(() {
/// Called when the connection to the NetMediaPlayer fails.
void _handleConnectionError() {
_problem = Problem(type: problemConnectionFailed);
if (updateCallback != null) {
scheduleMicrotask(() {
/// Captures information required to implement the progress bar.
void _prepareProgressBar() {
// Capture the correlation between the system clock and the reference time
// from the timeline function, which we assume to be roughly 'now' in the
// FrameInfo::presentationTime sense. This is a rough approximation and
// could break for any number of reasons. We currently have to do this
// because flutter doesn't provide access to FrameInfo::presentationTime.
// TODO(dalesat): Fix once we're given access to presentation time.
_progressBarMicrosecondsSinceEpoch =
_progressBarReferenceTime = _timelineFunction.referenceTime;
_progressBarReady = true;