[manifest] Roll skia 63b3bfb71..fb3beb059 (7 commits)


2018-06-19 fmalita@chromium.org [skjson] More short string micro-optimizations
2018-06-19 reed@google.com add new source list in prep for separating imagefilters from other effects
2018-06-19 angle-skia-autoroll@skia-buildbots.google.com.iam.gserviceaccount.com Roll third_party/externals/angle2 f6fd48fd329f..2dabb4a367c3 (7 commits)
2018-06-19 swiftshader-skia-autoroll@skia-buildbots.google.com.iam.gserviceaccount.com Roll third_party/externals/swiftshader 700a1a67d569..1fa206780108 (1 commits)
2018-06-19 bungeman@google.com Stop using SkTSwap.
2018-06-19 herb@google.com Remove unused drawText code
2018-06-19 mtklein@google.com Revert "Change how vertex/instance attributes are handled in geometry processors."

The AutoRoll server is located here: https://fuchsia-roll.skia.org

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff, who should
be CC'd on the roll, and stop the roller if necessary.


Change-Id: Ida342fb423b3b1fa30da3ebde7d89bad59846422
1 file changed