blob: 0defdac4f176f4e0744f8a7846a7bd6ee9658c00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_media/fidl_async.dart' as media;
/// Immutable rate of a subject timeline with respect to a reference timeline
/// (subject / reference) expressed as the ratio of two ints.
class TimelineRate {
/// The change in subject time that correlates to referenceDelta.
final int subjectDelta;
/// The change in reference time that correlates to subjectDelta. May not
/// be zero.
final int referenceDelta;
// A multiplier for float-to-TimelineRate conversions chosen because doubles
// have a 52-bit mantissa.
static const int _floatFactor = 1 << 52;
/// Constructs a TimelineRate from a subject delta and a reference delta.
factory TimelineRate({
int subjectDelta = 0,
int referenceDelta = 1,
}) {
assert(referenceDelta != 0);
int gcd = subjectDelta.gcd(referenceDelta);
return TimelineRate._(subjectDelta ~/ gcd, referenceDelta ~/ gcd);
/// Constructs a TimelineRate from a double.
factory TimelineRate.fromDouble(double asDouble) {
if (asDouble > 1.0) {
return TimelineRate(
subjectDelta: _floatFactor,
referenceDelta: (_floatFactor * asDouble).toInt(),
} else {
return TimelineRate(
subjectDelta: _floatFactor ~/ asDouble,
referenceDelta: _floatFactor,
/// Internal constructor.
const TimelineRate._(this.subjectDelta, this.referenceDelta);
/// A rate of 0 / 1.
static const TimelineRate zero = TimelineRate._(0, 1);
/// The number of nanoseconds in a second.
static const TimelineRate nanosecondsPerSecond =
TimelineRate._(1000000000, 1);
/// The inverse of this rate. Asserts if this.subjectDelta is zero.
TimelineRate get inverse => TimelineRate(
subjectDelta: referenceDelta,
referenceDelta: subjectDelta,
/// Returns the product of this TimelineRate with another TimelineRate.
TimelineRate product(TimelineRate other) => TimelineRate(
subjectDelta: subjectDelta * other.subjectDelta,
referenceDelta: referenceDelta * other.referenceDelta,
/// Returns the product of this TimelineRate with an int as an int.
int operator *(int value) => (value * subjectDelta) ~/ referenceDelta;
int get hashCode => subjectDelta.hashCode ^ referenceDelta.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is TimelineRate &&
subjectDelta == other.subjectDelta &&
referenceDelta == other.referenceDelta;
String toString() => '$subjectDelta/$referenceDelta';
/// Immutable linear function that produces a subject time from a reference
/// time.
class TimelineFunction {
/// The subject time that corresponds to referenceTime.
final int subjectTime;
/// The reference time that corresponds to subjectTime.
final int referenceTime;
/// The slope of the function (subject / reference).
final TimelineRate rate;
/// Constructs a TimelineFunction from a pair of correlated values and a
/// TimelineRate.
const TimelineFunction({
this.subjectTime = 0,
this.referenceTime = 0,
this.rate =,
/// Constructs a TimelineFunction from a FIDL TimelineFunction struct.
TimelineFunction.fromFidl(media.TimelineFunction timelineFunction)
: subjectTime = timelineFunction.subjectTime,
referenceTime = timelineFunction.referenceTime,
rate = TimelineRate(
subjectDelta: timelineFunction.subjectDelta,
referenceDelta: timelineFunction.referenceDelta,
/// The change in subject time that correlates to referenceDelta.
int get subjectDelta => rate.subjectDelta;
/// The change in reference time that correlates to subjectDelta. Never zero.
int get referenceDelta => rate.referenceDelta;
/// Applies the function to an int.
int call(int referenceInput) => apply(referenceInput);
/// Applies the function to an int.
int apply(int referenceInput) =>
rate * (referenceInput - referenceTime) + subjectTime;
/// Applies the inverse of the function to an int. Asserts if subjectDelta is
/// zero.
int applyInverse(int subjectInput) {
assert(rate.subjectDelta != 0);
return rate.inverse * (subjectInput - subjectTime) + referenceTime;
/// Gets the inverse of this function. sserts if subjectDelta is zero.
TimelineFunction get inverse {
assert(rate.subjectDelta != 0);
return TimelineFunction(
subjectTime: referenceTime,
referenceTime: subjectTime,
rate: rate.inverse,
/// Composes this TimelineFunction with another TimelineFunction.
TimelineFunction operator *(TimelineFunction other) => TimelineFunction(
subjectTime: apply(other.subjectTime),
referenceTime: other.referenceTime,
rate: rate.product(other.rate),
int get hashCode =>
subjectTime.hashCode ^ referenceTime.hashCode ^ rate.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is TimelineFunction &&
subjectTime == other.subjectTime &&
referenceTime == other.referenceTime &&
rate == other.rate;
String toString() => '$subjectTime:$referenceTime@$rate';