blob: ff5a7b52c2b994c79902ee3926473bde33cd3a3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:fuchsia/fuchsia.dart' as fuchsia;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_modular/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_policy/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart';
import '';
/// Called when [SessionShell.initialize] occurs.
typedef OnDankSessionShellReady = void Function(
SessionShellContext sessionShellContext);
/// This is a lightweight class that acquires a [SessionShellContextProxy]
/// and passes it to the [onReady] callback. It also implements other
/// lifecycle and focus watcher functionality.
class DankSessionShellImpl
implements SessionShellPresentationProvider, FocusWatcher, Lifecycle {
/// Constructor.
DankSessionShellImpl({startupContext, this.onReady}) {
startupContext.environmentServices, _sessionShellContextProxy.ctrl);
/// Binding for the actual SessionShell interface object.
final _sessionShellContextProxy = SessionShellContextProxy();
/// Binding for the [FocusProvider] proxy.
final _focusProviderProxy = FocusProviderProxy();
/// Mapping of story id to [StoryVisualStateWatcher] handle.
final _visualStateWatchers = <String, StoryVisualStateWatcherProxy>{};
/// Binding for [FocusWatcher] implemented by this SessionShell.
final _focusWatcherBinding = FocusWatcherBinding();
/// Called when [initialize] occurs.
final OnDankSessionShellReady onReady;
String _lastFocusedStoryId;
void _initialize() {
if (onReady != null) {
void terminate() => fuchsia.exit(0);
void getPresentation(
String storyId,
InterfaceRequest<Presentation> request,
) =>
void watchVisualState(
String storyId,
InterfaceHandle<StoryVisualStateWatcher> watcherHandle,
) {
void removeWatcher() => _visualStateWatchers.remove(storyId);
final watcherProxy = StoryVisualStateWatcherProxy();
..onClose = removeWatcher
..onConnectionError = removeWatcher;
_visualStateWatchers[storyId] = watcherProxy;
void onFocusChange(FocusInfo focusInfo) {
_lastFocusedStoryId = focusInfo.focusedStoryId;
void _notifyWatchers() {
for (final entry in _visualStateWatchers.entries) {
entry.key == _lastFocusedStoryId
? StoryVisualState.maximized
: StoryVisualState.minimized,