[tests] Make current default environments explicit.

In preparation for changing the default environments. This step
ensures that the switch of default will not affect any existing tests.

Bug: IN-927 #comment
Test: CQ
Change-Id: I55f1adc735aded9c4446bb88dc3a573f115980e7
17 files changed
tree: 456b1ea9f7acbed37280e0ea0b5a05ad84e5c0c0
  1. .cargo/
  2. app/
  3. auth_providers/
  4. bin/
  5. boards/
  6. docs/
  7. examples/
  8. lib/
  9. manifest/
  10. packages/
  11. products/
  12. public/
  13. runtime/
  14. shell/
  15. tests/
  16. tools/
  17. .clang-format
  18. .gitignore
  20. BUILD.gn
  23. OWNERS
  25. README.md
  26. rustfmt.toml


Topaz augments system functionality by implementing interfaces defined by underlying layers. Topaz contains four major categories of software: modules, agents, shells, and runners.

For example, modules include the dashboard, and runners include the Web, Dart, and Flutter runners.

Removed Components

Looking for something that used to be in this repository? The list below provides a code location and sha that can be used to checkout dead code that has been removed. Please note, it is unlikely the code will build or work correctly shas are provided for reference only. Code can be checked out with:

    git checkout <sha> -- $FUCHSIA_DIR/<location>
  • topaz/app/chat: 9f6c31d2ceb8353f229a9ef6b53ba2386ff31867
  • topaz/app/color: 5a023ccb054104846e3e913951bcc7dc277d2274
  • topaz/app/contacts: 80378fe470817750188707de29237282892a3142
  • topaz/app/documents: b5a3ee29b15414f232865128195d14bd8811ab02
  • topaz/app/image: 5e731a943a907cf960ecfbda1c391958f9093afa
  • topaz/app/link_viewer: 00fe1236c6851da5d54c625a8293561bb617804c
  • topaz/app/video: fc03877f787fc119140b900d476c4563bd04a529
  • topaz/tools/dartfmt_extras: acc1f05718af2bcfbba3317a456f82b67eec4e42
  • topaz/tools/mod: acc1f05718af2bcfbba3317a456f82b67eec4e42
  • topaz/tools/widget_explorer: acc1f05718af2bcfbba3317a456f82b67eec4e42
  • topaz/examples/bluetooth: f4287c5ae0e9b099983121b41be66e1994b83a02