blob: 13a8b5a6a5f51369f1607097cf50b3d62a3da9c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import '';
import 'package:sledge/sledge.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
Schema testSchema1() {
final schemaDescription = <String, BaseType>{
'a': new Integer(),
'b': new Integer(),
return new Schema(schemaDescription);
Schema testSchema2() {
final schemaDescription = <String, BaseType>{
'a': new Integer(),
'b': new Integer(),
'c': new Integer(),
return new Schema(schemaDescription);
void main() {
test('IndexDefinition constructor.', () {
final schema = testSchema1();
new IndexDefinition(schema);
new IndexDefinition(schema, fieldsWithEquality: <String>['a']);
new IndexDefinition(schema, fieldsWithEquality: <String>['a', 'b']);
new IndexDefinition(schema, fieldWithInequality: 'a');
new IndexDefinition(schema,
fieldsWithEquality: <String>['a'], fieldWithInequality: 'b');
expect(() => new IndexDefinition(schema, fieldsWithEquality: <String>['']),
expect(() => new IndexDefinition(schema, fieldsWithEquality: <String>['z']),
() =>
new IndexDefinition(schema, fieldsWithEquality: <String>['a', 'a']),
() => new IndexDefinition(schema,
fieldsWithEquality: <String>['a'], fieldWithInequality: 'a'),
test('IndexDefinition serialization and deserialization.', () {
final schema1 = testSchema1();
final i1 = new IndexDefinition(schema1,
fieldsWithEquality: <String>['a'], fieldWithInequality: 'b');
String jsonString = json.encode(i1);
final i2 = IndexDefinition.fromJson(json.decode(jsonString));
expect(i1.hash, equals(i2.hash));
test('IndexDefinition hash.', () {
final schema1 = testSchema1();
final schema2 = testSchema2();
final i1 = new IndexDefinition(schema1, fieldsWithEquality: <String>['a']);
final i2 = new IndexDefinition(schema1, fieldsWithEquality: <String>['a']);
final i3 = new IndexDefinition(schema2, fieldsWithEquality: <String>['a']);
final i4 = new IndexDefinition(schema1, fieldsWithEquality: <String>['b']);
expect(i1.hash, equals(i2.hash));
expect(i1.hash, isNot(equals(i3.hash)));
expect(i1.hash, isNot(equals(i4.hash)));