[symbolizer] Fix faulty return in cache code

I put a 'return' where I should have put a 'continue'.
This causes the symbolizer to just stop symbolizing after a cache hit.
That is not very functional.

Change-Id: Ife7bacabb92de9fa0d639344bd58ef074682e490
1 file changed
tree: 88ffa11cc654d7b7b53cba215615b3a8b1ce56c6
  1. bloaty/
  2. cache/
  3. cmd/
  4. color/
  5. elflib/
  6. gndoc/
  7. isatty/
  8. logger/
  9. ninjalog/
  10. symbolize/
  11. .gitignore
  12. Gopkg.lock
  13. Gopkg.toml
  15. manifest
  17. README.md


This repo contains tools used in Fuchsia build and development.

Go packages from here are automatically built and uploaded to CIPD and Google Storage by bots using the tools recipe. To add a tool to the build:

  • Edit the bot config.
  • Find the builder_mixins section with name: "tools".
  • Edit the JSON in properties_j to add a string to the packages list: