blob: ab3546779820cc943fb71eee9f2cc49a5d1300ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package symbolize
// TriggerHandler is a visitor for Node types that can trigger actions
type TriggerContext struct {
Source LineSource
Mods []Module
Segs []Segment
// TriggerTap is a nop on the pipeline that reads trigger information out
type TriggerTap struct {
handlers []func(*DumpfileElement)
func NewTriggerTap() *TriggerTap {
return &TriggerTap{}
func (t *TriggerTap) AddHandler(handler func(*DumpfileElement)) {
t.handlers = append(t.handlers, handler)
func (t *TriggerTap) Process(line OutputLine, out chan<- OutputLine) {
for _, node := range line.line {
if dumpElem, ok := node.(*DumpfileElement); ok {
for _, handler := range t.handlers {
out <- line