blob: f1a8728962be5f12cae276b8644677e115bfdb1e [file] [log] [blame]
package symbolize
import "testing"
func TestPeek(t *testing.T) {
buf := ParserState("this is a test")
if !buf.peek("this") {
t.Error("'this' is at the start")
if buf.peek("bob") {
t.Error("'bob' is not at the start")
if buf.peek("thistle") {
t.Error("'thistle' is not at the start")
func TestExpect(t *testing.T) {
buf := ParserState("this is a test")
if !buf.expect("this") {
t.Error("'this' is at the start")
if string(buf) != " is a test" {
t.Error("expected ", " is a test", "got", string(buf))
if buf.expect("is") {
t.Error("a space is missing")
if !buf.expect(" is") || !buf.expect(" a ") {
t.Error("something is wrong")
if string(buf) != "test" {
t.Error("expected", "test", "got", string(buf))
if string(buf) != "test" {
t.Error("input consumed when it should not have been")
func TestBefore(t *testing.T) {
buf := ParserState("this is a test")
v1, err := buf.before(" ")
if err != nil {
if v1 != "this" {
t.Error("expected", "this", "got", v1)
v2, err := buf.before(" ")
if err != nil {
if v2 != "is" {
t.Error("expected", "is", "got", v2)
if string(buf) != "a test" {
t.Error("expected", "a test", "got", string(buf))
_, err = buf.before("#")
if err == nil {
t.Error("expected an error but got none")
if string(buf) != "a test" {
t.Error("input consumed when it should not have been")
func TestDecBefore(t *testing.T) {
buf := ParserState("10:020:0030;")
v1, err1 := buf.decBefore(":")
v2, err2 := buf.decBefore(":")
v3, err3 := buf.decBefore(";")
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || err3 != nil {
t.Error(err1, err2, err3)
if v1 != 10 || v2 != 20 || v3 != 30 {
t.Error("expected", []uint64{10, 20, 30}, "got", []uint64{v1, v2, v3})
if len(buf) != 0 {
t.Error("not all input was consumed")
func TestIntBefore(t *testing.T) {
buf := ParserState("10:0x20:30;")
v1, err1 := buf.intBefore(":")
v2, err2 := buf.intBefore(":")
v3, err3 := buf.intBefore(";")
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || err3 != nil {
t.Error(err1, err2, err3)
if v1 != 10 || v2 != 0x20 || v3 != 30 {
t.Error("expected", []uint64{10, 0x20, 30}, "got", []uint64{v1, v2, v3})
if len(buf) != 0 {
t.Error("not all input was consumed")
func TestFloatBefore(t *testing.T) {
// Note these floats are exactly represented.
buf := ParserState("0.125:.25:300.50;")
v1, err1 := buf.floatBefore(":")
v2, err2 := buf.floatBefore(":")
v3, err3 := buf.floatBefore(";")
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || err3 != nil {
t.Error(err1, err2, err3)
if v1 != 0.125 || v2 != 0.25 || v3 != 300.5 {
t.Error("expected", []float64{0.125, 0.25, 300.5}, "got", []float64{v1, v2, v3})
if len(buf) != 0 {
t.Error("not all input was consumed")
func TestTry(t *testing.T) {
buf := ParserState("foo bar baz")
buf.try(func(buf *ParserState) interface{} {
return nil
if string(buf) != "foo bar baz" {
t.Error("try should not consume input on failure")
node := buf.try(func(buf *ParserState) interface{} {
buf.expect("foo ")
buf.before(" ")
return "dummy string"
if node == nil || string(buf) != "" {
t.Error("try did not succeed when it should have")
func TestPrefix(t *testing.T) {
buf := ParserState("foo bar baz")
node := buf.prefix("baz", func(buf *ParserState) interface{} {
return ""
if node != nil || buf != "foo bar baz" {
t.Error("prefix messed up")