blob: d20f832bc5c6741e55deea17ac408ef8ea4d61d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package symbolize
import (
// TODO (jakehehrlich): This whole file should be private.
type byVAddr []Segment
func (b byVAddr) Len() int {
return len(b)
func (b byVAddr) Swap(i, j int) {
b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i]
func (b byVAddr) Less(i, j int) bool {
return b[i].Vaddr < b[j].Vaddr
// TODO: replace with skip list
// I call it a "lazy flat map". It stores mapped regions of memory in a way that
// allows them to be efficentily looked up by an address within them.
// MappingStore quasi-efficently indexes segments by their start address.
type mappingStore struct {
segments []Segment
sorted int
func merge(a []Segment, b []Segment) []Segment {
out := []Segment{}
for len(a) != 0 && len(b) != 0 {
var min Segment
if a[0].Vaddr < b[0].Vaddr {
min = a[0]
a = a[1:]
} else {
min = b[0]
b = b[1:]
out = append(out, min)
out = append(out, a...)
out = append(out, b...)
return out
// sortAndFind is meant to be called if an element couldn't be found.
// sortAndFind sorts the unsorted range of segments, finds the missing element
// and then merges the two sorted ranges so that sortAndFind won't have to be
// called again for the same element.
func (m *mappingStore) sortAndFind(vaddr uint64) *Segment {
seg := findSegment(m.segments[m.sorted:], vaddr)
newMods := merge(m.segments[m.sorted:], m.segments[:m.sorted])
m.segments = newMods
m.sorted = len(newMods)
return seg
// findSegment finds a segment in sorted slice of segments.
func findSegment(sorted []Segment, vaddr uint64) *Segment {
idx := sort.Search(len(sorted), func(i int) bool {
seg := sorted[i]
return seg.Vaddr+seg.Size >= vaddr
if idx < len(sorted) && sorted[idx].Vaddr <= vaddr {
return &sorted[idx]
return nil
// Find first trys to find the desired segment in the sorted segment. If the segment
// can't be found we consult the unsorted part and update the structure.
func (m *mappingStore) find(vaddr uint64) *Segment {
out := findSegment(m.segments[:m.sorted], vaddr)
if out == nil {
out = m.sortAndFind(vaddr)
return out
// Add adds a segment to the segment.
func (m *mappingStore) add(seg Segment) {
m.segments = append(m.segments, seg)
// Clear clears the mapping store of all previous information
func (m *mappingStore) clear() {
m.segments = nil
m.sorted = 0
// GetSegments returns a new slice containing all the segments
func (m *mappingStore) GetSegments() []Segment {
out := make([]Segment, len(m.segments))
copy(out, m.segments)
return out