blob: 3d23a93d7b7f7d03990d84e44a165b4c95f4826c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package symbolize
import (
// BacktracePresenter intercepts backtrace elements on their own line and
// presents them in text. Inlines are output as separate lines.
// A PostProcessor is taken as an input to synchronously compose another
// PostProcessor
type BacktracePresenter struct {
out io.Writer
next PostProcessor
// NewBacktracePresenter constructs a BacktracePresenter.
func NewBacktracePresenter(out io.Writer, next PostProcessor) *BacktracePresenter {
return &BacktracePresenter{
out: out,
next: next,
func printBacktrace(out io.Writer, hdr LineHeader, frame uint64, msg string, info addressInfo) {
modRelAddr := info.addr - info.seg.Vaddr + info.seg.ModRelAddr
var hdrString string
if hdr != nil {
hdrString = hdr.Present()
if len(info.locs) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s #%-4d %#016x in <%s>+%#x %s\n", hdrString, frame, info.addr, info.mod.Name, modRelAddr, msg)
for i, loc := range info.locs {
i = len(info.locs) - i - 1
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s ", hdrString)
var frameStr string
if i == 0 {
frameStr = fmt.Sprintf("#%d", frame)
} else {
frameStr = fmt.Sprintf("#%d.%d", frame, i)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%-5s", frameStr)
fmt.Fprintf(out, " %#016x", info.addr)
if !loc.function.IsEmpty() {
fmt.Fprintf(out, " in %v", loc.function)
if !loc.file.IsEmpty() {
fmt.Fprintf(out, " %s:%d", loc.file, loc.line)
fmt.Fprintf(out, " <%s>+%#x", info.mod.Name, modRelAddr)
if msg != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(out, " %s", msg)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n")
func isSpace(s string) bool {
for _, r := range s {
if !unicode.IsSpace(r) {
return false
return true
func (b *BacktracePresenter) Process(line OutputLine, out chan<- OutputLine) {
if len(line.line) == 1 {
if bt, ok := line.line[0].(*BacktraceElement); ok {
printBacktrace(b.out, line.header, bt.num, bt.msg,
// Don't process a backtrace we've already output.
if len(line.line) == 2 {
// Note that we're going to discard the text in front.
if txt, ok := line.line[0].(*Text); ok && isSpace(txt.text) {
if bt, ok := line.line[1].(*BacktraceElement); ok {
printBacktrace(b.out, line.header, bt.num, bt.msg,
// Don't process a backtrace we've already output.
}, out)
func printLine(line LogLine, fmtStr string, args ...interface{}) OutputLine {
node := Text{text: fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, args...)}
return OutputLine{LogLine: line, line: []Node{&node}}
// Because apparently this is the world we live in, I have to write my own
// min/max function.
func min(x, y uint64) uint64 {
if x < y {
return x
return y
type dsoInfo struct {
id uint64
name string
build string
addr *uint64
type ContextPresenter map[LineSource]map[uint64]dsoInfo
func (c ContextPresenter) Process(line OutputLine, out chan<- OutputLine) {
if _, ok := c[line.source]; !ok {
c[line.source] = make(map[uint64]dsoInfo)
info := c[line.source]
blank := true
skip := false
for _, token := range line.line {
switch t := token.(type) {
case *ResetElement:
skip = true
delete(c, line.source)
case *ModuleElement:
skip = true
if _, ok := info[t.mod.Id]; !ok {
info[t.mod.Id] = dsoInfo{id: t.mod.Id, name: t.mod.Name, build: t.mod.Build}
case *MappingElement:
skip = true
dInfo, ok := info[t.seg.Mod]
if !ok {
// We might be missing the module because a non-context element was interleaved.
// It could also be missing but that isn't this function's job to point out.
out <- printLine(line.LogLine, " [[[ELF seg #%#x %#x]]]", t.seg.Mod, t.seg.Vaddr-t.seg.ModRelAddr)
if dInfo.addr == nil {
dInfo.addr = &t.seg.Vaddr
} else {
newAddr := min(*dInfo.addr, t.seg.Vaddr-t.seg.ModRelAddr)
dInfo.addr = &newAddr
info[t.seg.Mod] = dInfo
// Save this token for output later
if t, ok := token.(*Text); !ok || !isSpace(t.text) {
blank = false
if !skip || !blank {
// Output all contextual information we've thus far consumed.
sortedInfo := []dsoInfo{}
for _, dInfo := range info {
sortedInfo = append(sortedInfo, dInfo)
sort.Slice(sortedInfo, func(i, j int) bool {
return sortedInfo[i].id < sortedInfo[j].id
// TODO(TC-615): We'd really like something more like the following:
// [[[ELF module #0 "" BuildID=1234abcdef 0x12345000(r)-0x12356000(rx)-0x12378000(rw)-0x12389000]]]
// but this requires a fair bit more work to track.
for _, dInfo := range sortedInfo {
if dInfo.addr != nil {
out <- printLine(line.LogLine, " [[[ELF module #%#x \"%s\" BuildID=%s %#x]]]",,,, *dInfo.addr)
} else {
out <- printLine(line.LogLine, " [[[ELF module #%#x \"%s\" BuildID=%s]]]",,,
// Now so that we don't print this information out again, forget it all.
delete(c, line.source)
out <- line
// OptimizeColor attempts to transform output elements to use as few color
// transisitions as is possible
type OptimizeColor struct {
func (o *OptimizeColor) Process(line OutputLine, out chan<- OutputLine) {
// Maintain a current simulated color state
curColor := uint64(0)
curBold := false
// Keep track of the color state at the end of 'out'
color := uint64(0)
bold := false
// The new list of tokens we will output
newLine := []Node{}
// Go though each token
for _, token := range line.line {
if colorCode, ok := token.(*ColorCode); ok {
// If we encounter a color update the simulated color state
if colorCode.color == 1 {
curBold = true
} else if colorCode.color == 0 {
curColor = 0
curBold = false
} else {
curColor = colorCode.color
} else {
// If we encounter a non-color token make sure we output
// colors to handle the transition from the last color to the
// new color.
if curColor == 0 && color != 0 {
color = 0
bold = false
newLine = append(newLine, &ColorCode{color: 0})
} else if curColor != color {
color = curColor
newLine = append(newLine, &ColorCode{color: curColor})
// Make sure to bold the output even if a color 0 code was just output
if curBold && !bold {
bold = true
newLine = append(newLine, &ColorCode{color: 1})
// Append all non-color nodes
newLine = append(newLine, token)
// If the color state isn't already clear, clear it
if color != 0 || bold != false {
newLine = append(newLine, &ColorCode{color: 0})
line.line = newLine
out <- line
// BasicPresenter is a presenter to output very basic uncolored output
type BasicPresenter struct {
enableColor bool
output io.Writer
func NewBasicPresenter(output io.Writer, enableColor bool) *BasicPresenter {
return &BasicPresenter{output: output, enableColor: enableColor}
func (b *BasicPresenter) printSrcLoc(loc SourceLocation, info addressInfo) {
modRelAddr := info.addr - info.seg.Vaddr + info.seg.ModRelAddr
if !loc.function.IsEmpty() {
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "%s at ", loc.function)
if !loc.file.IsEmpty() {
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "%s:%d", loc.file, loc.line)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "<%s>+0x%x", info.mod.Name, modRelAddr)
func (b *BasicPresenter) Process(res OutputLine, out chan<- OutputLine) {
if res.header != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "%s", res.header.Present())
for _, token := range res.line {
switch node := token.(type) {
case *BacktraceElement:
if len( == 0 {
for i, loc := range {
if i != len( {
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, " inlined from ")
case *PCElement:
if len( > 0 {
} else {
case *ColorCode:
if b.enableColor {
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "\033[%dm", node.color)
case *Text:
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "%s", node.text)
case *DumpfileElement:
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "{{{dumpfile:%s:%s}}}", node.sinkType,
case *ResetElement:
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "{{{reset}}}")
case *ModuleElement:
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "{{{module:%s:%s:%d}}}", node.mod.Build, node.mod.Name, node.mod.Id)
case *MappingElement:
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "{{{mmap:0x%x:0x%x:load:%d:%s:0x%x}}}", node.seg.Vaddr, node.seg.Size, node.seg.Mod, node.seg.Flags, node.seg.ModRelAddr)
fmt.Fprintf(b.output, "\n")