Merge [1962], [1963], [1971], and [1983] from trunk: NASM2 compatibility
[1962]: Support oword, do, and reso as aliases for dqword, ddq, and resdq.
[1963], [1971]: Support NASM2 RIP-relative syntax.

The primary difference from NASM2 will be the handling of immediate values
in the "mov reg64, imm" where immediate is unsized; yasm has always
auto-sized this to 32-bit by default, and upsized to 64-bit if necessary
for non-relocated values.  NASM2 will default this to 64-bit for all values.
Code expecting to target both with consistent results should explicitly
specify the immediate size.

svn path=/branches/yasm-0.6.x/; revision=1984