Random Access Compression: RAC

Status: Draft (as of March 2019). There is no compatibility guarantee yet.


The goal of the RAC file format is to compress a source file (the “decompressed file”) such that, starting from the compressed file, it is possible to reconstruct the half-open byte range [di .. dj) of the decompressed file without always having to first decompress all of [0 .. di).

Conceptually, the decompressed file is partitioned into non-overlapping chunks. Each compressed chunk can be decompressed independently (although possibly sharing additional context, such as a LZ77 prefix dictionary). A RAC file also contains a hierarchical index of those chunks.

RAC is a container format, and while it supports common compression codecs like Zlib, Brotli and Zstandard, it is not tied to any particular compression codec.

Non-goals for version 1 include:

  • Filesystem metadata like file names, file sizes and modification times.
  • Multiple source files.

There is the capability (see reserved TTags, below) but no promise to address these in a future RAC version. There might not be a need to, as other designs such as EROFS (Extendable Read-Only File System) already exist.

Non-goals in general include:

  • Encryption.
  • Streaming decompression.

Related Work

RAC differs from most other archive formats, whether established like Tar and Zip or newer like śiva. Even if those formats let you seek inside an archive, seek points are named by strings (i.e. file names) and are positioned only at source file boundaries. You cannot seek to a relative offset (in what RAC calls DSpace) within a source file. They also often don't support shared compression dictionaries embedded within an archive.

RAC differs from the Riegeli sequence-of-records format. A RAC file arguably contains what Riegeli calls records (which are not files, as they don't have names) and both formats support efficient seeking, but Riegeli seeks to a point in what RAC calls CSpace, whereas RAC seeks to a point in DSpace.

RAC differs from the LevelDB Table format, even if the LevelDB Table string keys are re-purposed to encode integer-valued DSpace seek points. A LevelDB Table, by itself, does not support shared compression dictionaries.

A LevelDB Table index is also flat, unlike RAC‘s hierarchical index. In both cases, a maliciously written index could contain multiple entries for the same key, and different decoders could therefore produce different output for the same source file - a potential security vulnerability. For LevelDB Tables, verifying an index key’s uniqueness requires scanning every key in the file, which can be relatively expensive, and is therefore not done in practice. In comparison, RAC‘s “Branch Node Validation” process (see below) ensures that exactly one Leaf Node contains any given byte offset di in the decompressed file, and the RAC index’s hierarchical nature places a scalable upper bound on the scanning cost of verifying that, based on that portion of the index tree visited for any given request [di .. dj).


  • CBias is the delta added to a CPointer to produce a COffset.
  • DBias is the delta added to a DPointer to produce a DOffset.
  • CFile is the compressed file.
  • DFile is the decompressed file.
  • CFileSize is the size of the CFile.
  • DFileSize is the size of the DFile.
  • COffset is a byte offset in CSpace.
  • DOffset is a byte offset in DSpace.
  • CPointer is a relative COffset, prior to bias-correction.
  • DPointer is a relative DOffset, prior to bias-correction.
  • CRange is a Range in CSpace.
  • DRange is a Range in DSpace.
  • CSpace means that byte offsets refer to the CFile.
  • DSpace means that byte offsets refer to the DFile.

Range is a pair of byte offsets [i .. j), in either CSpace or DSpace. It is half-open, containing every byte offset x such that (i <= x) and (x < j). The size of a Range equals (j - i) if (j > i), otherwise it equals zero. Having (j <= i) is valid, and means an empty Range: one with zero size. There are many valid [i .. j) pairs that mean an empty range.

All bytes are 8 bits and unless explicitly specified otherwise, all fixed-size unsigned integers (e.g. uint32_t, uint64_t) are encoded little-endian. Within those unsigned integers, bit 0 is the least significant bit and e.g. bit 31 is the most significant bit of a uint32_t.

The maximum supported CFileSize and the maximum supported DFileSize are the same number: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, which is ((1 << 56) - 1).

File Structure

A RAC file (the CFile) must be at least 4 bytes long, and start with the 3 byte Magic (see below), so that no valid RAC file can also be e.g. a valid JPEG file. The fourth byte is examined in the process described by the “Root Node at the CFile Start” section, below.

The CFile contains a tree of Nodes. Each Node is either a Branch Node (pointing to between 1 and 255 child Nodes) or a Leaf Node. There must be at least one Branch Node, called the Root Node. Parsing a CFile requires knowing the CFileSize in order to identify the Root Node, which is either at the start or the end of the CFile.

Each Node has a DRange. An empty DRange means that the Node contains metadata or other decompression context such as a shared dictionary.

Each Leaf Node also has 3 CRanges (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary), any or all of which may be empty. The contents of the CFile, within those CRanges, are decompressed according to the Codec (see below) to reconstruct that part of the DFile within the Leaf Node's DRange.

Branch Nodes

A Branch Node's encoding in the CFile has a variable byte size, between 32 and 4096 inclusive, depending on its number of children. Specifically, it occupies ((Arity * 16) + 16) bytes, grouped into 8 byte segments (but not necessarily 8 byte aligned), starting at a COffset called its Branch COffset:

|Magic|A|Che|V|T|  Magic, Arity, Checksum, Version, TTag[0]
|  DPtr[1]    |T|  DPtr[1],                         TTag[1]
|  DPtr[2]    |T|  DPtr[2],                         TTag[2]
|  ...        |.|  ...,                             ...
|  DPtr[A-2]  |T|  DPtr[Arity-2],                   TTag[Arity-2]
|  DPtr[A-1]  |T|  DPtr[Arity-1],                   TTag[Arity-1]
|  DPtr[A]    |C|  DPtr[Arity] a.k.a. DPtrMax,      Codec
|  CPtr[0]    |S|  CPtr[0],                         STag[0]
|  CPtr[1]    |S|  CPtr[1],                         STag[1]
|  CPtr[2]    |S|  CPtr[2],                         STag[2]
|  ...        |.|  ...,                             ...
|  CPtr[A-2]  |S|  CPtr[Arity-2],                   STag[Arity-2]
|  CPtr[A-1]  |S|  CPtr[Arity-1],                   STag[Arity-1]
|  CPtr[A]    |A|  CPtr[Arity] a.k.a. CPtrMax,      Arity

For the (XPtr | Other) 8 byte fields, the XPtr occupies the low 56 bits (as a little-endian uint64_t) and the Other occupies the high 8 bits.

The CPtr and DPtr values are what is explicitly written in the CFile's bytes. These are added to a Branch Node's implicit Branch CBias and Branch DBias values to give the implicit COff and DOff values: COff[i] and DOff[i] are defined to be (Branch_CBias + CPtr[i]) and (Branch_DBias + DPtr[i]).

CPtrMax is another name for CPtr[Arity], and COffMax is defined to be (Branch_CBias + CPtrMax). Likewise for DPtrMax and DOffMax.

The DPtr[0] value is implicit, and always equals zero, so that DOff[0] always equals the Branch DBias.

  • For the Root Node, the DPtrMax also sets the DFileSize. The Branch CBias and Branch DBias are both zero. The Branch COffset is determined by the “Root Node” section below.
  • For a child Branch Node, the Branch COffset, Branch CBias and Branch DBias are given by the parent Branch Node. See the “Search Within a Branch Node” section below.


Magic is the three bytes "\x72\xC3\x63", which is invalid UTF-8 but is "rÃc" in ISO 8859-1. The tilde isn't particularly meaningful, other than "rÃc" being a nonsensical word (with nonsensical capitalization) that is unlikely to appear in other files.

Every Branch Node must start with these Magic bytes, not just a Branch Node positioned at the start of the CFile.


Arity is the Branch Node's number of children. Zero is invalid.

The Arity byte is given twice: the fourth byte and the final byte of the Branch Node. The two values must match.

The repetition lets a RAC reader determine the size of the Branch Node data (as the size depends on the Arity), given either its start or its end offset in CSpace. For almost all Branch Nodes, we will know its start offset (its Branch COffset), but for a Root Node at the end of a CFile, we will only know its end offset.


Checksum is a checksum of the Branch Node's bytes. It is not a checksum of the CFile or DFile contents pointed to by a Branch Node. Content checksums are a Codec-specific consideration.

The little-endian uint16_t Checksum value is the low 16 bits XOR'ed with the high 16 bits of the uint32_t CRC-32 IEEE checksum of the ((Arity * 16) + 10) bytes immediately after the Checksum. The 4 bytes immediately before the Checksum are not considered: the Magic bytes have only one valid value and the Arity byte near the start is replicated by the Arity byte at the end.


Version must have the value 0x01, indicating version 1 of the RAC format.

COffs and DOffs, STags and TTags

For every a in the half-open range [0 .. Arity), the a'th child Node has two tags, STag[a] and TTag[a], and a DRange of [DOff[a] .. DOff[a+1]). The DOff values must be non-decreasing: see the “Branch Node Validation” section below.

A TTag[a] of 0xFE means that child is a Branch Node. A TTag[a] in the half-open range [0xC0 .. 0xFE) is reserved. Otherwise, the child is a Leaf Node.

A child Branch Node's SubBranch COffset is defined to be COff[a]. Its COff[a+1] value is ignored. Its SubBranch DBias and SubBranch DOffMax are defined to be DOff[a] and `DOff[a+1].

  • When (STag[a] < Arity), it is a CBiasing Branch Node. The SubBranch CBias is defined to be (Branch_CBias + CPtr[STag[a]]).
  • When (STag[a] >= Arity), it is a CNeutral Branch Node. The SubBranch CBias is defined to be (Branch_CBias).

A child Leaf Node's STag[a] and TTag[a] values are also called its Leaf STag and Leaf TTag. It also has:

  • A Primary CRange, equal to [COff[a] .. COff[a+1]). Recall that it is valid for a Range's upper bound to be less than its lower bound, meaning an empty Range.
  • A Secondary CRange, equal to [COff[STag[a]] .. COff[STag[a]+1]) when (STag[a] < Arity). If (STag[a] >= Arity) then the Secondary CRange is the canonical empty range [0 .. 0).
  • A Tertiary CRange, similar to the Secondary CRange, but using TTag[a] instead of STag[a].

Note that, since Arity is at most 255, an STag[a] of 0xFF always results in a CNeutral Branch Node or an empty Secondary CRange. Likewise, a TTag[a] of 0xFF always results in an empty Tertiary CRange.


COffMax is an inclusive upper bound on every COff in a Branch Node and in its descendent Branch Nodes. A child Branch Node must not have a larger COffMax than the parent Branch Node's COffMax, and the Root Node's COffMax must equal the CFileSize. See the “Branch Node Validation” section below.

A RAC file can therefore be incrementally modified, if the RAC writer only appends new CFile bytes and does not re-write existing CFile bytes, so that the CFileSize increases. Even if the old (smaller) RAC file's Root Node was at the CFile start, the new (larger) CFileSize means that those starting bytes are an obsolete Root Node (but still a valid Branch Node). The new Root Node is therefore located at the end of the new RAC file.

Concatenating RAC files (concatenating in DSpace) involves concatenating the RAC files in CSpace and then appending a new Root Node with CBiasing Branch Nodes pointing to each source RAC file's Root Node.


Codecs define specializations of RAC, such as “RAC + Zlib” or “RAC + Brotli”. It is valid for a “RAC + Zstandard” only decoder to reject a “RAC + Brotli” file, even if it is a valid RAC file. Recall that RAC is just a container, and not tied to any particular compression codec. For the Codec byte in a Branch Node:

  • 0x00 is reserved.
  • 0x01 means “RAC + Zlib”.
  • 0x02 means “RAC + Brotli”.
  • 0x04 means “RAC + ZStandard”.
  • Any other value less than 0x08 means that all of this Branch Node‘s children must be Branch Nodes and not Leaf Nodes and that no child’s Codec byte can have a bit set that is not set in this Codec byte.
  • All other values, 0x08 or greater, are reserved.

Branch Node Validation

The first time that a RAC reader visits any particular Branch Node, it must check that the Magic matches, the two Arity values match and are non-zero, the computed checksum matches the listed Checksum and that the RAC reader accepts the Version and the Codec.

It must also check that all of its DOff values are sorted: (DOff[a] <= DOff[a+1]) for every a in the half-open range [0 .. Arity). By induction, this means that all of its DOff values do not exceed DOffMax, and again by induction, therefore do not exceed DFileSize.

It must also check that all of its COff values do not exceed COffMax (and again by induction, therefore do not exceed CFileSize). Other than that, COff values do not have to be sorted: successive Nodes (in DSpace) can be out of order (in CSpace), allowing for incrementally modified RAC files.

For the Root Node, its COffMax must equal the CFileSize. Recall that parsing a CFile requires knowing the CFileSize, and also that a Root Node's Branch CBias is zero, so its COffMax equals its CPtrMax.

For a child Branch Node, its Codec bits must be a subset of its parent‘s Codec bits, its COffMax must be less than or equal to its parent’s COffMax, and its DOffMax must equal its parent‘s SubBranch DOffMax. The DOffMax condition is equivalent to checking that the parent and child agree on the child’s size in DSpace. The parent states that it is its (DPtr[a+1] - DPtr[a]) and the child states that it is its DPtrMax.

One conservative way to check Branch Nodes' validity on first visit is to check them on every visit, as validating any particular Branch Node is idempotent, but other ways are acceptable.

Root Node

The Root Node might be at the start of the CFile, as this might optimize alignment of Branch Nodes and of CRanges. All Branch Nodes' sizes are multiples of 16 bytes, and a maximal Branch Node is exactly 4096 bytes.

The Root Node might be at the end of the CFile, as this allows one-pass (streaming) encoding of a RAC file. It also allows appending to, concatenating or incrementally modifying existing RAC files relatively cheaply.

To find the Root Node, first look for a valid Root Node at the CFile start. If and only if that fails, look at the CFile end. If that also fails, it is not a valid RAC file.

Root Node at the CFile Start

The fourth byte of the CFile gives the Arity, assuming the Root Node is at the CFile start. If it is zero, fail over to the CFile end. A RAC writer that does not want to place the Root Node at the CFile start should intentionally write a zero to the fourth byte.

Otherwise, that Arity defines the size in bytes of any starting Root Node: ((Arity * 16) + 16). If the CFileSize is less than this size, fail over to the CFile end.

If those starting bytes form a valid Root Node (as per the “Branch Node Validation” section), including having a CPtrMax equal to the CFileSize, then we have indeed found our Root Node: its Branch COffset is zero. Otherwise, fail over to the CFile end.

Root Node at the CFile End

If there is no valid Root Node at the CFile start then the last byte of the CFile gives the Root Node's Arity. This does not necessarily need to match the fourth byte of the CFile.

As before, that Arity defines the size in bytes of any ending Root Node: ((Arity * 16) + 16). If the CFileSize is less than this size, it is not a valid RAC file.

If those ending bytes form a valid Root Node (as per the “Branch Node Validation” section), including having a CPtrMax equal to the CFileSize, then we have indeed found our Root Node: its Branch COffset is the CFileSize minus the size implied by the Arity. Otherwise, it is not a valid RAC file.

DRange Reconstruction

To reconstruct the DRange [di .. dj), if that DRange is empty then the request is trivially satisfied.

Otherwise, if (dj > DFileSize) then reject the request.

Otherwise, start at the Root Node and continue to the next section to find the Leaf Node containing the DOffset di.

Search Within a Branch Node

Load (and validate) the Branch Node given its Branch COffset, Branch CBias and Branch DBias.

Find the largest child index a such that (a < Arity) and (DOff[a] <= di) and (DOff[a+1] > di), then examine TTag[a] to see if the child is a Leaf Node. If so, skip to the next section.

For a Branch Node child, let CRemaining equal this Branch Node‘s (the parents’) COffMax minus the SubBranch COffset. It invalid for CRemaining to be less than 4, or to be less than the child‘s size implied by the child’s Arity byte at a COffset equal to (SubBranch_COffset + 3).

The SubBranch COffset, SubBranch CBias and SubBranch DBias from the parent Branch Node become the Branch COffset, Branch CBias and Branch DBias of the child Branch Node. In order to rule out infinite loops, at least one of these two conditions must hold:

  • The child‘s Branch COffset is less than the parent’s Branch COffset.
  • The child‘s DPtrMax is less than the parent’s DPtrMax.

It is valid for one of those conditions to hold between a parent-child pair and the other condition to hold between the next parent-child pair.

Repeat this “Search Within a Branch Node” section with the child Branch Node.

Decompressing a Leaf Node

If a Leaf Node's DRange is empty, decompression is a no-op and skip the rest of this section.

Otherwise, decompression combines the Primary CRange, Secondary CRange and Tertiary CRange slices of the CFile, and the Leaf STag and Leaf TTag values, in a Codec-specific way to produce decompressed data.

There are two general principles, although specific Codecs can overrule:

  • The Codec may produce fewer bytes than the DRange size. In that case, the remaining bytes (in DSpace) are set to NUL (memset to zero).
  • The Codec may consume fewer bytes than each CRange size, and the compressed data typically contains an explicit “end of data” marker. In that case, the remaining bytes (in CSpace) are ignored. Padding allows COff values to optionally be aligned.

It is invalid to produce more bytes than the DRange size or to consume more bytes than each CRange size.

Continuing the Reconstruction

If decompressing that Leaf Node did not fully reconstruct [di .. dj), advance through the Node tree in depth first search order, decompressing every Leaf Node along the way, until we have gone up to or beyond dj.

During that traversal, Nodes with an empty DRange should be skipped, even if they are Branch Nodes.

Specific Codecs

RAC + Zlib

The CFile data in the Leaf Node's Primary CRange is decompressed as Zlib (RFC 1950), possibly referencing a LZ77 prefix dictionary (what the RFC calls a “preset dictionary”).

If a Leaf Node's Secondary CRange is empty then there is no dictionary. Otherwise, the Secondary CRange must be at least 6 bytes long:

  • 2 byte little-endian uint16_t Dictionary Length.
  • Dictionary Length bytes Dictionary.
  • 4 byte big-endian uint32_t Dictionary Checksum.
  • Padding (ignored).

The Dictionary Checksum is Zlib's Adler32 checksum over the Dictionary‘s bytes (excluding the initial 2 bytes for the Dictionary Length). The checksum is stored big-endian, like Zlib’s other checksums, and its 4 byte value must match the DICTID (in RFC 1950 terminology) given in the Primary CRange's Zlib-formatted data.

The Tertiary CRange and Leaf TTag values are ignored. The Leaf STag value is also ignored, other than deriving the Secondary CRange.

RAC + Brotli


RAC + Zstandard





I (Nigel Tao) thank Robert Obryk, Sanjay Ghemawat and Sean Klein for their review.

Updated on March 2019.